Chapter XV

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"At last we finally met! you know, I heard a lot of good things about you!" Leopold said excitedly, Edris' heart beating faster as they approached Fuegoleon's room "Really what are the things you heard about me? about my barbaric and boyish look?" she chuckled a bit and Leopold scratched the back of his head "ehh seems like that" Edris laughed a little but when they stopped at Fuegoleon's room she stopped and stared at the close door.

Leopold slowly opened the door, Nozel cleared his throat and went in....

Fuegoleon was sleeping peacefully on his bed but they found Sister Theresa inside "Sister" Edris bowed her head on her slightly "Lady Edris" Edris nodded, she sat beside Fuegoleon and squeeze his hand slightly, Nozel stare on Fuegoleon.

Solid and Nebra arrived "I can't believe it for the second time I will find him laying on his bed" Edris' ears rings as Solid spoke she knows that he was about to say something bad "Does it mean he's being weak?" she immediately faced Solid while glaring and he just shrugged his shoulders "What? I'm just stating the fact!" Edris squint her eyes, Leopold who standing right beside her felt her mana instantly, Solid smirks "I've heard what happened to you Lady Edris, are you getting weak as well?" Everyone was surprised when fire swallowed her body.

Mereoleona who's currently outside the castle felt her mana too, Edris walk towards Solid "Oh yeah I am getting weak...weak enough to destroy your body and step on your ashes" Nozel cleared his throat, Nebra stepped back "Solid, the only one who should be ashame is us. Only if we found them earlier maybe we were able to help them to fight with those demons and Fuegoleon wouldn't be in this situation, apologize now" Nozel said in a calm but stern voice, Edris calmed down but still glaring at Solid who got surprised but eventually cleared his throat too "Then I'm sorry" Edris faced Fuegoleon again.

Solid was walking towards the front door but then he felt another presence behind him so he look back but found no one, when he face his front again he got surprised when Edris choke him! "E-edris?" he's tapping her hand "Dumbass how could you!? one more time that I hear you talking shit about Fuegoleon you'll meet your mother!" she let him go and left him coughing and shock.

Mereoleona arrived that afternoon "Lady Edris" Edris stood and looked on her "I felt your mana earlier is something happened?" she asked in serious tone "Not really" she noticed that Edris still holding Fuegoleon's hand "I see. Have you eaten lunch already?" Nozel who's currently sitting on the table stood "She refuse" Edris glared at him "Come on. Join me" She can't say no to Mereoleona so she don't have a choice but to leave Fuegoleon.

While on the dining table, Mereoleona looking at her "Your mana, it's so strong that I literally felt it outside" Edris took a sip on the water "Yes I'm sorry about that. It's just that Solid is so annoying" Mereoleona smirks "I see, seems like that bastard never learn, want me to teach him a lesson?" Edris shook her head "Nozel wouldn't want that and besides, let's not waste our time for some useless brat like him" she took a bite on the steak "I agree but it seems like you have to train your anger management, Edris" Edris took a deep breath "Well, it all started when the Silvas are got involved in my life again. Just kidding, but yes I realized you are right" she looked on Mereoleona "Maybe you could help me?" Mereoleona smiled "This is what I've been waiting" Edris smirks and continued to eat "But let's wait until Fuegoleon woke up" Mereoleona nodded "I Understand" Edris nodded.

Nozel bid goodbye and Edris hugged him "Don't worry, I'll punish Solid for making you mad" she chuckles "No need I already choked him Before he left" he gasped, Edris smiled at him "Take care" Nozel cleared his throat and nodded before he left, Edris sat back on Fuegoleon's side and held his hand.

She stayed there until evening, she's reading a book when Mereolona walked in "Hey how long are you planning to stay there?" she asked as she leaned on the doorway "Until he woke up" Edris smiled, Mereoleona shook her head "You're really a stubborn" Mereoleona said before turning around "Have a great night" Edris nodded and Mereoleona closed the door again.

She took a deep breath before looking on Fuegoleon then she brushed his hair softly "Wake up, I miss you" she kisses his hand "I'm just kidding, just take a rest as long as you want. I'm just here when you wake up" she stood and looked over Fuegoleon's mirror "Phoenix" she summoned Phoenix on her side and she immediately appeared "What is it Lady Edris?" Phoenix asked "Style my hair" Phoenix nodded and using her magic she created a scissors.

After few minutes, Edris already have full bangs "Eh? wait, why? I mean oh my goodness!" Edris exclaimed, she can't believe that she will have full bangs "It suits you well so no worries" Phoenix said while smiling and feeling proud of her creation "Really? I'm look like an idiot!" Edris said while giving her a bored look "What? no! you really look gorgeous my lady! Look!" Phoenix held her cheeks and made her face the mirror "Ah fine fine! just oh my goodness!" Phoenix chuckles and clasped her hand together.


Edris woke up, she's already laying on bed and when she moved her hand there's no one beside her but she remembered falling asleep on Fuegoleon's side so she immediately open her eyes and stood "Fuegoleon?" she got up from the bed and her heart is racing, the sunlight was coming in from the window "Lady Edris" she slowly turned around and she saw him standing right behind her still wearing the same shirt that he is wearing while he was asleep "Fuegoleon!" he smiled and slowly caressed her cheek then he pulled her from the waist and planted a kiss on her forehead "You look pretty as always" she hugged him "Thank goodness you're awake already!" he smiled and hugged her too.

They lay on the bed together "It's too early to get up and I want to rest more" he said, he still hugging her "It's alright" she snuggles on him "I miss you a lot!" he chuckles "I know" he kissed her head again "By the way, who made your bangs?" she cleared her throat "It was Phoenix! I jusy asked her to style my hair and she made it dirty" he laugh "But it looks fine" Edris smiled and rolled her eyes "I feel like this hairstyle is just for toddlers" he laughed again and pulled her closer "But it made you more beautiful" she is took a deep breath "Thank you" she hugged him.

After Fuegoleon fixed himself they went out "Ah! Brother!" Leopold rushed towards him and accidentally bumped at Edris "Ah-" she was about to fall but he managed to catch her as Leopold hugged him "Oh I'm sorry!" Leopold helped her to stand "That's fine! that's fine" she smiled at him "I'm glad you're already awake" Mereoleona stood on front of them, Fuegoleon nodded "So it means..." Edris gasped when she put her arm around her neck "We can start our training already!" Fuegoleon gasped but smiled "Training? woah!" Leo's eyes widened, Edris smiled.

Mereoleona discussed the training while they were eating "Oh I have to inform Captain Yami about it" Fuegoleon looked away still feeling bitter, she held his hand and he took a deep breath "Yes sure" Mereoleona smirks.

After breakfast Edris bid farewell "Take a rest alright?" she patted Fuegoleon's cheek, he took a deep breath "Fine, I'll watch you doing the training" she nodded and hugged him.

As she walked towards the Blackbulls headquarters she felt a presence following her, she looked  around and pretend that she just stretching her back but she felt someone was running towards her she immediately picked up her grimoire and turned around and swiftly slashed her flaming sword but to her surprised someone kicked her hard.

"Mereoleona!?" Mereoleona laughed "Surprised? this is part of your training with me!" she smirks, Edris shields her arms when Mereoleona kicked her then she fought back "Mariposa!" Edris shouted,  Mereoleona stopped moving when orange butterflies started to appear out of thin air, it was so mesmerizing but then, she noticed it was on flame.

Edris groaned when she let out a huge ball of fire, the butterflies together with it flew towards Mereleona, she gasped "What?" that's her last word before the fire ball hit her.

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