Chapter V

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Nozel's eyes were widened and he felt fascinated by what he was seeing, he couldn't believe his eyes! they entered a hidden Palace! the giant torches lightened the way, the columns were made of gold and the carpet was made of elegant vermilion color fabric "Welcome to my Palace" Edris said smiled at him "This is..." he looked around "Marvelous!" she smiled as she noticed the amusement playing across his face "Have you forgotten that we sneak in here when we're just a kid?" Nozel tries to recall his memory "I forgot can you tell it to me?" she nodded "Father told us not to follow him but as a curious kid we followed him secretly" he smiled "I think I remembered that, your father almost killed us both because he thought we were bandits" she nodded "Yes that is right but as I grew up I realized that he did that on purpose, he knows that we followed him and to test us he attacked us and one more thing, you can't enter this place unless you are a Feuer or a Feuer invited you" Nozel nodded.

They went to the second floor, he had a chance to take a peak at the ground floor where he found the throne and a crown that was in an enclosure, on each side the throne was two long poles where the signature marking of Feuers was on the flag "Was the Magic Emperor knows about this place?" Edris faced him "Of course" she waved her hand on a room, the gigantic door made a creaking sound as it opened.

Nozel followed her and he was surprised to see a lady wearing a tube peacock dress that was in the color of red orange throwing bodies to a huge hearth! "Phoenix, this is Nozel Silva we are here to investigate, have you seen the three newcomers?" Phoenix nodded and pointed to the corner, he looked around and inside the room there were a lot of chains and metallic tables "What's this?" he asked as they walked towards the corpses "Cremation room, this is where I'm burning my enemies alive or dead and that woman we just talked to is the same bird we ride on earlier" he gasped and looked back at Phoenix who is now busy throwing the naked corpses "Who's corpses are those?" Nozel asked, Edris faced him "The Bandits I killed" he looked back and hundreds more dead bodies "What the hell Edris?" she chuckled and kneeled in front of the corpses.

She examined their body and saw some marking that looks like a crescent moon but shaded in black, she also found similar necklace on them so she took it and stood "Nozel" she handed him one of the pendant "Help me with this one" he nodded "I will" She walked towards Phoenix "Bring us back" she nodded and followed her when she walks.

Before she left, she bowed down to the empty throne "I will fulfill my duty, Father" Nozel can see determination on her eyes and at the sec he almost saw Fuegoleon at her.

As they fly back at their house he can see how tired she is, he noticed the little bruises on her face that he never used to noticed before, those eyes that's beautiful like an ocean and her dark brown hair that was beautiful as mahogany tree he suddenly remembered the first time they met.


"Can we play?" she was just eight years old back then, he gasped seeing this cute little girl "No. There's a lot of things to do than playing" he continues reading his book "Okay!" she ran around the hallway and it distracted him "Hey will you stop doing that!?" he shouted annoyingly "No because Father says I can do it!" he chased her and she ran faster.

That was the start, until everything changed when the fell into argument and Nozel loses his control, he uses his magic and put Edris in a coma for almost a month.


From that day on, she never get close to him ever again and often distancing herself at the Silvas, but way back before they were engaged but when Edris turned eighteen she cut the engagement and never talked with Nozel ever again.

He carried her towards her room, she fell asleep during the journey "Stubborn" he put her blanket over her.

Edris' mom was in coma, Nozel bid goodbye but he promised that he will return.


"My Lady, you have visitor" Edris groaned from her bed, her clothes were messy and her hair as well, she covers her eyes with her arm "Tell them to comeback some other day" she said, Adela bit her lower lips she knows that her mistress was still unwell "But My Lady are sure?" Edris groaned again but she realized it might be Nozel and he already have report regarding to the crescent moon sign they found "Okay tell them to come here" Adela looked behind her and motioned Edris' visitor to come in.

As Fuegoleon walked inside her room he found some papers scattered over her study table, he smiled a little seeing Edris laying on her bed wearing only her long sleeve sleeping clothes "Lady Edris, It's good to see you again" he pulled her chair close to her bed and sat on it, Edris was surprised and she can't even move, her heart keeps beating faster but she took a deep breath and slowly turn her head, she felt more relax seeing him again and deep inside she wants to hugged him and show him how excited she is to see him "Uhm" she cleared her throat and was about to get up but Fuegoleon stopped her "Adela told me that you feeling unwell. You Don't have to get up" he said, she sense concern in his voice but she raised her hand and propped her elbows to get up "I'm okay, I can get up no worries!" she sat and looked at him again.

She brushed her hair with her hand "I've heard what happened, if I was here I will do my best to capture them alive and will torture them until they confess who told them to do such reckless things!" she took a deep breath "Me and Nozel was able to found some clues but until now, we can't find anything about it" he nodded "But the most important thing is you're safe" he wants to hold her hand but he don't want to cross the line without knowing that she really wants it, she looked down and took a deep breath "But my mom is not, she's in coma" he patted her shoulder gently.

She felt butterflies on her tummy, it's her first time feeling like that the comfort that Fuegoleon giving to her made all her exhaustion go away, she cleared her throat and stood, he held her hand to assist her "Where you going?" he asked "Mother" she gently let him go and stretched her arms but before she walked towards the door she went on her study table and fixed the papers "Was this the mark that you mentioned?" he held one of the paper and check it "Yes and this is the necklace" she showed him the necklace and he took it "Hmm strange, I can still feel magic from it" she raised her eyebrow "I thought I was just being delirious!" he looked at her "Delirious?" he is clearly confused "Yes, I never had enough sleep eversince it happened" He nodded "I'll help you with this but please, make sure you're having enough rest. You have to be strong" she sighed and nodded.

"Mother" they went on her mother's room, she held her hand "Wake up, until when are you planning to sleep huh?" she chuckled softly "Oh we have visitor! remember Captain Vermillion? he is here!" she pulled Fuegoleon beside her "Hello mam! good to see you again! I was hoping that we can have a little chat however, I did not expect that this is the scene I will see" he held her hand too and squeeze it gently "Don't worry about your daughter, I'll take care of her and will help her to find the culprit for this horrible crime! I promise that as a Magic Captain!" Edris smiled "Mom...I can't lose you too! I swear if you die I'll be gone insane and will kill every demon in hell!" He looked at her, she's not crying but her eyes are full of anger, he knows she's not joking "I will help you with that if needed" she smiled "Of course you have to help me! you are my ally!" Fuegoleon chuckles and let go Mrs. Feuer's hand.

Edris decided to go out when she changed her clothes Fuegoleon noticed some scars at her arms but he did not ask about it "Are you sure you want to go out? I think you have to rest" she turned her head towards him with neutral expression "I won't rest until I find who the pest that attempted to kill my family" he took a deep breath "Alright I got you" she smiled and squeezed his hand.

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