ouch, thats gotta hurt

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I overslept an hour, a freaking hour! It's six thirty nine in the morning and I still haven't left yet.

I've fed the dogs and had some soup since it's quite cold today.

I'm wearing, a dark blue coat and dark blue riding leggings.

I grab my car keys and the dogs collars with the leads already attached and put the collars on the dogs.

We head out the door and and into the car.

We arrive at the yard pretty quick. I get out of the car after parking up and let the dogs out after undoing their safety belts.

They do the usual and jump out and run over to the dog zone.

I chuckle and do my usual jobs, feed Luna, take her into the field and yard jobs.

It's now 11am and I've talked with Lucas for like half an hour before my student arrives.

Demitri was too busy with playing with Red and Snow.

I grab Stars tack and go over to her stable. She's a cute pony.

She's just about 13.2hh and she's a cob. She loves her dressage.

Oh, is this a dressage lesson?

I look at the notes of the lesson on my phone and see its indeed a dressage lesson.

Indoor arena then today, plus its cold.

I meet the girl riding Star after tacking her up and we walk over to the indoor arena.

"I'm your instructor for today, my name is Arabella" I say and smile. She smiles back and strokes Star as we walk.

We walk into the arena and I think her dad shuts the gate for us. I thank him and walk to the mounting block.

"Okay so how many lessons have you had?" I ask and the girl Says 5.

Okay, interesting.

"Okay, so we're going to do some dressage today and then look at your canter if your up for that?" I question and she smiles and nods.

I nod satisfied and help the girl on.

For the next 15 minutes we spent some time on her trot and steering.

"Your doing good Savanna" I say and hold a lunging whop near Stars tail but not so it touches her.

Star can be lazy and stubborn and today she chose that.

"Go across the school and go sitting" I say, I watch very carefully and examine how she does things.

"Very good" I say and think at which corner Star would canter at.

She looks the bottom left corner so I'll ask for her to canter there.

"How do you feel about cantering?" I ask as I walk closer to Savanna and Star.

"Good" she says and I smile and nod. Here goes nothing.

"Okay pick up your trot, at the bottom do a 20 metre circle then in the left corner canter, before you canter go sitting trot and kick" I say and she nods picking the trot up.

They reach the bottom of the school and Star goes faster but not too fast to be out of control to turn.

Savanna turns Star nicely and wide. She comes out of the circle and asks for canter.

A loud bang echos through the arena spooking Star so that she bolts of all the way to the top and bucks.

Savanna comes flying off.

Ouch, that's gotta hurt!

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" I ask kneeling down to the floor and see if she has any injuries.

"My arm hurts" she says and begins crying. Oh dear.

"Stay here and don't move" I say, I jog over to Star and calm her down then walk over to Savanna's dad.

"Are you okay to pick Savanna up from the floor and get her arm checked over" I ask and he nods more concerned about his daughter.

He jogs over to Savanna and picks her up carefully.

"I'm so sorry" I say as he walks past. He doesn't say anything back. Is that bad or good?

I see a new girl who I absolutely hate walk near the arena and see Lucas and Demitri with her.

Ah yes, the tour.

"Hi Arabella!" She says loudly making Star neigh and bolt off, the reigns being tourn out of my hands.

I look back at Jade, the new girl and give her a glare before jogging up and getting Star.

This is my life today, wow.

I grab Star and calm her down whiles feeding some treats to her.

I see the new girl still there as I walk Star out and i roll my eyes making it clear. She frowns but I walk away with a spooked horse to care about what she says.

"I'm sorry Star" I say as we reach her stable. I walk her in and quickly untack.

I make sure to give her plenty of treats and pats before walking back.

I put her tack in the tack room and make my to find Sarah.

Oh dear lord help me.

I so happen to run into Jade again.

"Do you know where Sarah is?" I question and she shakes her head, no

"I saw her teaching someone near the dog area" Lucas says and I take note of that.

"Thank you Lucas" i say and smile. He smiles back us locking eye contact before I walk away and go find Sarah.

Now I've got to brave it and say what happened in todays lesson.

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