Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 87

Start from the beginning

After healing the last one, a young woman named Rufina, with fiery-red hair, I helped her onto the stretcher. She held on to my hand tightly as she said, her voice soft and shaking, "You'll be with us, my lady? You won't let those bastards torture us no more, my lady?"

I clasped my hand over hers and firmly said, "Those bastards are no more. And I and Lord Aldric will never allow anyone to do such horrid things to you and the others ever again. You have my word."

She seemed relieved as she nodded, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Thank you. Thank you."

I sighed, my heart heavy as I watched the soldiers carry her away. Maria wrapped her arms around me, and resting her chin on my shoulder, she said, "I hope we've found and saved them all."

"Me, too," I said.

It was three hours later when camp was cleaned up and the civilians ushered into the airship, and as we floated into the sky, the people gasped in astonishment as they stood at the viewing deck.

"We're flying," a man said, shaking his head. "We're really flying in the air."

"It's magic," a woman said, clasping her hands together.

The able children waved down at Vincent and the men who were left behind to further investigate the dungeon as well as clean up and fortify the place. In our minds, if it was that well-guarded—if having hundreds of men patrolling the place wasn't considered well-guarded, then I didn't know what was—then it could only mean one thing—there was something precious down below, and we had to find out what it was.

Though it was a little packed in the aircraft, we managed to find a space for tables to start serving a very late lunch, and within no time, the place was filled with the sounds of eating as well as, yes, crying. Tears were rolling down on almost everyone's face, and I chuckled. What was it with the people in this world? Why did they cry when they ate delicious food? Perhaps Vicky had put in an extra ingredient in the food whenever I conjured it with my magic?

There is no extra ingredient, came Vicky's voice in my head. The people are just not used to eating these types of food.

Well, I supposed she was right. These types of food might be normal to those back on Earth, but to the people living on Eseron, they were heavenly. Of course, chicken rice curry was always delicious and hearty and easy to please just about anyone, especially the children.

I glanced over at Lilly—the only One-Horn Demon here—sitting with Johnny, Zach, and Lana. She was enjoying the food tremendously, and Zach couldn't stop licking his lips. This rice curry was the sweet kind, after all.

As for the severely malnourished, it was Thai curry coconut and lentils soup, with the soup pureed to a fine liquid for easy eating and digesting. Most loved it as it was creamy and very tasty, and of course, they had never had anything like it before. Then again, there was no such thing as curry or coconut in this world, was there?

During the whole journey, those at the viewing deck refused to leave their spot simply because they enjoyed the view, and now and again, the children would say, "Look at that mountain!" Or "Look over there!" Or "Everything looks so small from here."

Four hours later, we flew past the ruined town, and despite it appearing insignificant from up here, it still brought a sense of sadness to the Norsewood people who had once had their home there. Then in the short distance, the sight of the lodge appeared, and noise of excitement could be heard echoing across the airship.

"Look! A palace! A palace!" Johnny said. "Mama, a palace."

Lilly looked up at me and asked, "Are we going to be living in a palace?"

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