Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 78

Start from the beginning

"Woohoo!" I shouted.

The boys followed suit and said, "Woohoo!" while Red held on to Jonah's shoulder as he squeaked in delight, his eyes round and large.

I did another round around the track, and as I came close to the base, I saw more people running down from the lodge, clearly excited to see what the commotion was, and Aldric and the men at the conference room were among them. I waved at my stunned-looking husband, along with a delightful laughter, when he was close and the car passed him. I did another round before slowing down and coming to a stop. Once the engine was off, I said, "How was that?"

"That was amazing," Jonah said. "Can we go again?"

Her eyes large and bright and her cheeks crimson, Grandma Liz said, "That was fast. Can we go again, my lady?"

"We can but not yet," I said, seeing the thick crowd swarming the car like moths to a flame, touching the smooth metal and poking their heads in through the windows.

I opened the door and begged my way out. Finally free from the mob of intrigue, I walked toward Aldric, who could only stare at me, still looking damn stunned and speechless.

I grinned at him and said, pointing to the dirt road, "Road." Pointing to the SUV. "Modern carriage. Delivering the civilians from the dungeon to base camp solved. Next is traveling from here to the closest point of the mountain dungeon." I pointed up to the air. "We go by air. It should only take us at most three to four hours."

Aldric looked confused. "By air? Three to four hours?"

"I'm sure you've seen some of the children movies?"

"Mm-hmm." He nodded.

"Airplane," I said.

He widened his eyes as if he finally understood.

I said, "But not really an airplane. I think since we're in Eseron, something more fantasy-like would suit better, such as an airship."

"An airship," he said.

"Shall we make one?" I asked.

His eyes twinkling, he said, "Do you need to ask?"

I smiled. "I need permission from the lord of the land, after all."

He wrapped his powerful arms around me and then lifted me up in the air, chuckling. "Quinn, you're a genius!"

Oh my! It was definitely different being lifted into the air like a child, but not at all unpleasant. Rather, it was exhilarating. When he put me down again, he planted his lips on mine, kissing me passionately, and I savored the moment.

When he moved back, he said, "Now then, Lady Norsewood, how about that airship?"

I nodded, and turning on my heel, I headed toward the middle of the racetrack. Aldric strolled along by my side, and deciding to join us were Uncle Colt, Jacob, Mark, Allen, Juan, and Liam.

"What is that?" Juan asked. "How can it move like that? What about horses?"

"It's magic, Juan," I said. "Vicky made the engine, and it uses mana as fuel to run the car. It will be the same with the airship."

"Airship?" Juan asked. "What is an airship?"

Smirking, Uncle Colt said, "Looks like our most important problems will be solved just like that by our lassie."

"Just like we knew she would," Jacob said, chuckling.

Goodness, but they sounded so damn pleased, didn't they?

In the middle of the racetrack, I said, "Gentlemen, please move back. This airship will need a lot of space."

They stepped back, and once I gave them the signal that it should be enough, I crouched down and planted my hand on the dirt.

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