Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 73

Start from the beginning

Liam said, "If you don't take off your clothes, how am I meant to heal you?"

So that was why he wanted the clothes off? To heal him?

Juan widened his eyes. "You're a healer?"

"I'm not as good as Quinn, but I do my best," he said. "So please take off your clothes. The longer we leave it, the worse the wound will get."

Juan sighed. If his savior was indeed a healer, which he found damn hard to believe since a blessed one was very rare and would not be roaming anywhere far from the Grand Palace in the capital, let alone in this isolated land that was Norsewood.

After pulling off his shirt and pants, along with boots and socks, and leaving only his undergarment pants, he said, "I've never been healed by a blessed healer before." He frowned. "You are a blessed healer, correct?"

Liam mumbled, "Mm-hmm," as he glanced over Juan's chiseled, scarred body that was marked with cuts and bruises. "You're pretty beaten up."

"Traversing the alps does that to you," he said as he stroked Red, who was lying on the pile of clothing near the heater, looking warm and cozy.

Liam said, "This shouldn't take long. Please bear with it."

"Take your time," Juan said. "This storm will not likely pass until midday."

Liam leaned in and began his magic, releasing his mana. Juan watched, awed as his wounds healed within an instant, the cuts closed and bruises faded until his skin was completely normal. His sprained ankle, too, was completely healed, and he said, "Holy Deity!" He shifted his gaze to Liam and said, "How? What? How? You really are blessed."

Liam chuckled. "That was nothing. Your injuries are not deep, so it wasn't too difficult." He flicked his gaze to the pile of clothing and said, "Yours are very worn. I would lend you my spare clothes, but I doubt they'd fit." He glanced Juan up and down. "You're just about as tall and as big as your brothers. Must run in the family, being that... powerfully built."

Juan blinked. Brothers?

"Excuse me?" he said. "You... know my brothers?"

Liam said, "You're Juan Templeton."

Juan widened his eyes. "Yes. How did you know that? Have we met before?"

Liam shook his head. "No, we've never met. You just look a lot like Lord Aldric."

Juan, still in only his undergarment, grabbed Liam's arm, pulled him close, and demanded urgently, "You know my brothers?"

Liam nodded. "Yes. We're looking for you. Speaking of which, I should report back to HQ and Lord Aldric that you're safe." He tapped on his earpiece and said, "It's Liam reporting in. I've found Lord Juan and he is safe."

On the other side of the line at Norsewood Lodge, Mark's voice came through, along with a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

At base camp a good distance away, Aldric said, "Good work, Liam. We have your location and will come to you when the storm dies down."

"Roger that," Liam said.

"Can I speak to Juan," Aldric said.

"Yes, it'd be great to hear his voice," Mark said.

"I'm giving the earpiece to Lord Juan now. Please hold on a second," Liam said and then took out his earpiece.

During all this, Juan watched, confused as to who Liam was speaking to and he thought his savior was perhaps a bit nutty, talking to nobody the way he did. When Liam handed him a small thing, he said, "What is that?"

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