Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 58

Start from the beginning

Mark whistled, both astounded and pleased at the work progress, with the map now containing not only Norsewood Lodge but the surrounding area as well.

"Would you look at that," Jacob said. "It's simply unbelievable."

"The manor is appearing," Allan said.

"Should we start naming sites?" Vincent asked.

"I think we should," Aldric said.

The other soldier, Patrick, standing close to the large screen, said, "Then I shall begin." He tapped the screen with a magic pen, the spot with the image of Norsewood Lodge, and then started writing the name in the common language.

"Wonderful name, Norsewood Lodge," Uncle Colt said.

Patrick marked the site of the manor next and asked, "Shall I name this Norsewood Manor, my lord?"

Everyone turned to look at Aldric, and he said, "Put it as Old Norsewood Manor for now."

Mark asked, "Are we not rebuilding the manor in the same place?"

Aldric said, "We'll choose another site for the new Norsewood Manor. As for the current one, we'll turn it into a memorial for the many lives lost from the disasters we've faced for the past years."

Uncle Colt said, "It's about time a new Norsewood Manor is built on a different site. That there"—he pointed to the map—"has been Norsewood Manor for centuries, and to be frank, I'm tired of the view, having lived there all of my entire sixty years thus far."

Jacob burst out laughing. "Indeed. Then we shall locate a new site, you and I, Colt. Somewhere higher, with a view over the vast plains and hills and rice terraces beyond that is Norsewood."

"Damn right." Uncle Colt nodded.

Allan said, "Somewhere not so easily penetrable by the enemies, as we have experienced numerous times."

"Aye," Uncle Colt said. "But I believe lassie Quinn will be able to come up with a nifty idea for that, just like she did with the surveillance cameras and the drones."

"I concur," Jacob said.

Aldric shook his head in amusement as he eyed the two men with smug expressions on their faces. Indeed, they appeared to be damn proud of Quinn, as if she were their child. But of course, the duo from the older generations had already considered Quinn their own beloved daughter.

Theo said, "Perhaps a monument is called for, to join the great hall of the old manor that still stands?"

Aldric thought for a moment and then nodded. "Aye, a monument."

"Robert would only be too pleased to craft something," Vincent said. Chuckling in amusement, he continued. "A magnificent status of Aldric, perhaps?"

At hearing this, Aldric turned to his friend. "No," he said simply.

"Lady Quinn?" Vincent suggested, his eyes twinkling. "Then those boys who worship her can marvel at her—"

"No!" Aldric said again, a little sharper this time.

Vincent burst out laughing, and Mark said, shaking his head, "Still can't take a simple jest. Honestly, Aldric, how do you even interact with Quinn when you're together in private? She must think you're a bore to be with."

Aldric frowned. He? A bore to be with? Did Quinn think of him in that way? He knew he was a stoic person, but...

Perhaps she was indeed bored with him, although it was hard to determine that exactly since they had hardly spent any time together privately. They were both tremendously busy, after all, and what little time they saw of each other had been during meals, and at night when he returned to the penthouse when Quinn was already sound asleep. He knew that currently their arrangement was not ideal, but once Norsewood was revived and stable, he'd put his sole concentration on her, for certain.

The work of mapping Norsewood continued, and leaving the others with the project, Aldric headed to the magic training hall, a vast fortified space on the lower ground floor of the military building Quinn had created specifically for Theo and Connor, and Quinn herself, to practice their magic.

That first day they had toured the military facilities, Aldric had felt left out and more than a little envious of Theo and Connor, first for them being able to use magic, and second, for Quinn to make such a grand training hall, one that even the kingdom's court couldn't even possibly replicate, specifically for them. Indeed, he had felt that emotion doubled, the likes of which he had never felt before, when he had witnessed Quinn clapping and cheering Theo and Connor on when they summoned their magic and had fireballs blasting at moving dummies.

As he bolted the concrete door shut, he thought that Quinn could now cheer him on, too, when he was able to master his magic, which pleased him mightily.

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