Chapter 1

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Rain drops slowly fell into the car's window as the man behind the wheel drove in silence, his main task was to get back home to see his family and have a good rest after a hard day in the office. Meet Jokichi, a very interesting individual who suffered a sealed fate since he set foot into that one post high school. He's happily forced married to a woman called Ryoba Aishi, a delightful wife who is willing to do anything for her husband and a very loving and caring mother. Together they have a daughter called Ayano Aishi, at first a cute child that any parent would want to have, but the deeper you get to know her the more you understand how fucked up her state is.

Due to some reasons... her capability of feeling any sort of emotion is completely null, making her one weird child to society and a monster amongst children. Rarely anyone talks to her and when they do, it's only insults or the main subject to joke about. I would lie if I told you that she isn't completely hurt by their actions but at the same time... she doesn't seem to care. 

While to doctors this is a disorder of unknown reasons, her mother on the other hands perfectly knows the reason, but instead of telling her the actual reason she created a good excuse and she told her daughter countless times "Don't worry Ayano, you will be able to feel emotions when you meet with that special someone! that special someone will be capable of healing your heart!" and since then, Ayano hoped to meet that special someone soon.

Years passed by, Ryoba sparked with warm colors as she had a happy family, Ayano on the other hand didn't had any color in her world, Jokichi however, started to enjoy spending time with his family, but his worry about Ayano was still over the sky limits. "Mom, will I ever find somebody special?" asked little Ayano as Ryoba, with a big smile, crouched down to her level as she rubs her head "Ayano, dear, you still have to wait! you're only twelve!".

Ayano was never satisfied with this answer, she was always told that she needed to wait, but how long? how long must she endure this pain? that's what she pondered on every day since her mom told her about this superstition. One day Jokichi came back from work, completely exhausted he flops on the couch as his wife peeks her head out from the kitchen "Welcome back honey~! how was your work~?" she had a genuine smile while Jokichi on the other hand sighed mentally.

"Same as usual dear... what's for dinner?" "We have sushi rice and Miso Ramen, I got quite the time on my hands to cook today~" even though Jokichi never choose to marry Ryoba, he cannot help but smile a little bit knowing he always get warm welcomes from her, and especially a lot of good food from Ryoba, IF he behaves... "Man it feels forever since I last had some soup.. I'm down".

As the loving couple talked at their dinner, mainly Ryoba asking all sorts of questions as Jokichi was forced to answer them. But as they talked and ate, the man was quick to notice his daughter's distress, it was already quite hard to identify it due to her emotionless state but a father knows how his child feels "What's wrong Ayano? was today a bad day at school?" the little girl glances up at her father, cold as ever.

She stared at him for a few seconds, before resuming playing in the rice with her chop sticks. Ryoba stopped from eating as she silently looked at Ayano, she herself knew something was wrong with her "Ayano, answer your father's-" Jokichi was quick to cut her off "Let's go for a walk outside to get some fresh air yeah? c'mon, Ayano" the man stood up as his wife looked at him with no emotion.. something he didn't liked to experience.

Once outside however, Ayano was holding into her father's hand as the two walked down the street together "Isn't it nice Ayano? feeling the cold breeze on your face as you get to witness the sun hiding behind the tall buildings" he smiled as he looks down at his daughter, only to see the same expression across her face, something he got used to it... but it still hurts to see her like that "Dad, why can't you fix me?" this caught him off guard as he didn't knew how to respond.

Sitting on his knee though, he graps Ayano's small shoulders and looks into her eyes "I am more than sure that, your mother had this talk with you, Ayano... you are... different from other kids, you are special, but know this my little star... one day someone will bring structure in your empty world, he will help stabilize your heart" he brings the girl into a hug, which to his surprise hugged him back "So... what happened today, Ayano?" still not answering to his question, he sighs "...Okay, how about we go back to mommy and resume our dinner?".

"Sweet dreams, honey"  Ryoba leans over as she kisses her daughter's forehead, tucking her in bed. Entering her own bedroom she saw her husband scrolling through his phone... usually this would've activated her yandere senses, but she realizes that she needs to put more trust into him "Sweetie... I think her condition is getting worse" just as Ryoba sat her head on the soft pillow Jokichi spoke, making her sigh "Honey give it time... she just needs to find her significant other".

The man puts his phone down and turns around to face Ryoba "I am tired of hearing it over and over again... I want her to be happy, I want her to feel alive Ryoba! this is what we tell her constantly! I just can't bear seeing her so dreadful all the time.. in all the family photos we ever taken, she does not have a smile across her lips!" the woman quickly rose up as she wraps her arms around the man, bringing him into a comforting aura "Honey everything will be okay.. shh..."

As the waters eventually calmed down Jokichi was finally resting peacefully on his side of the bed, of course with Ryoba in his arms "Have you found a babysitter for Ayano for the following week?" he asked, getting slightly drowsy "I sure did, honey, mom will happily be taking care of her~" hearing that Ayano's grandma will be with her for a whole week... Jokichi's heart sure experience a big magnitude just now.. "O-Okay..." knowing that if he tries to go against it, he could make Ryoba real mad, so once again he lets Ryoba be the dominant one.

---*To be continued*---

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