She's with me

109 6 1

Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words  

  »Can't they stop this stupid staring?«, Nhevv said annoyed. She had her elbows resting on her thighs, her hands under her chin.

Kotallo, sitting next to her, followed her gaze to the other side of the pit and saw a gathering of a few Lowland Clan squad members. Judging by their armor and tattoos, it was probably a squad of four Soldiers and two Recruits.
Two of the young women were looking right at them. When Kotallo met their gaze and they realized he was looking at them, they started giggling and whispering.

  »Who do you mean?«, Kyrakka asked, sitting next to Kotallo. Nhevv nodded toward the two women: »Those two over there from that Lowland Squad.«

  »Who? The ones giggling?«

  »By the Sky! Now you are staring at them!«, Nhevv retorted, turning away and shielding her face with her hand in shame. »I complain about them gawking like idiots, and you are yelling across the entire pit like one!«

Kotallo couldn't help but smirk. That was simply Kyrakka. But Kyrakka wasn't listening anymore. He nudged Kotallo, his gaze fixed on the women - »Are they looking at you or me?«

  »That you're still asking that...«, Annira responded irritably.

Kyrakka clicked his tongue. »We'll see about that!«, he said and got up. Kyrakka had always had a knack for being interested in women who had zero interest in him. To Kotallo's dismay, those women usually ended up being more interested in him, which often made Kyrakka sulk.

Kyrakka strutted provocatively along the pit side, engaging in conversations with a few other Sky Clan participants, grabbed a training spear and twirled it around. Kotallo heard Nhevv sigh next to him due to the staged theatrics, and it made him smirk even more.
Then Kyrakka returned. He hadn't taken his eyes off the two women, so he knew they hadn't paid him any attention, their gazes had been fixed on Kotallo the whole time.

  »I told you so«, Annira chimed in. Kyrakka made a face: »As long as you love me, my world is just fine!«

  »By the Ten...«, Annira said resignedly, and Uvveh and Ezekko burst out into laughter.

Kyrakka scooted even closer to Kotallo, shoulder to shoulder, with a mischievous grin. Before he even opened his mouth, Kotallo knew what was about to happen. »Do you think they'll be at the gathering tonight, partying?«

Kotallo shrugged: »Maybe.«

  »And which one do you prefer? The right one looks tough. Looks like she's right up your alley - «

  - »Oh, please!«, Nhevv suddenly shouted at them, jumping up from her place. Kotallo flinched for a moment. Kyrakka leaned forward to look up at her: »Everything alright, Pinky?«

Nhevv had her hands on her hips. »I can't stand listening to you two idiots anymore!«, she said and stomped away.

They looked at each other in surprise. »Oh c'mon, don't be so dramatic! After he took care of you for weeks, no, months, it's only fair if he - «, Kyrakka shouted after her, but Nhevv covered her ears and kept walking, lalalala-ing loudly to drown out his words and disappeared into the crowd.

  »What did I say?«, Kyrakka looked puzzled.

  »For once, it has nothing to do with you!«, Annira answered. Kotallo looked at her in confusion, and Kyrakka beside him raised his hands in a questioning gesture. 

  »You two really don't get it, right?«, she said.

  »What?«, Kyrakka asked, even more confused. Annira looked at Kotallo, raising her eyebrows expectantly, but he just shrugged. And so Annira let out an annoyed huff: »Unbelievable.« She crossed her arms in front of her chest, speaking to Uvveh - »He has no clue. You owe me five shards!«

Unforeseen - A Horizon Fanfiction (Kotallo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora