The initiation fight

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You don't always win your battles, but it's good to know you fought 

Kotallo stood at the edge of the arena. Last night was a cold one and the sun hadn't shown up the whole day, so a thin layer of ice made the pit ground shimmer in the light of the burning torches. He leaned against the wall behind him, feeling the rough rock surface where his armor wasn't present, his bare arms crossed in front of his chest.

  »What do they need so long?«, Annira complained. She wasn't exactly the most patient person he knew.

  »Maybe they got cold feet at the last moment«, Uvveh guessed, not entirely serious.

  »I heard shoes might help...«, she countered with an annoyed smile.

Kyrakka picked up a small stone in front of his feet. He bounced it several times in his hand before he threw it directly at Ezekko, the only one of the Candidates, who was already on time - »Hey, 'Shoe-less'. Come over here!«

The stone narrowly missed Ezekko, who looked skeptically at them. Whether it was because of the stone or the unexpected nickname, Kotallo couldn't tell. However, Ezekko eventually followed the order, crossed the pit to join them. »What about the two friends of yours?«, Kyrakka asked him.

  »I don't know. We trained at midday, everything was fine. They went for something to eat. I haven't seen them since,« Ezekko explained. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable with the situation.

  »Next time you'd better think about whether you're really ready or not sooner. We don't have time for that shit«, Annira sassed. As most of the time, she didn't hide her bad mood, only this time it was inappropriate; after all, Ezekko was the only one who was here and didn't earn the punishment. Ezekko lowered his gaze, unsure of what else to say. Kotallo gave Annira a stern look, but she ignored it.

In that moment, they heard footsteps on the path above them, and Tekotteh appeared on the wooden platform. He surveyed the situation from above, then he took the path straight towards them. »What is the delay about?«, he wanted to know. He was looking directly at Kotallo and Virakk, the Pit-Master, but Virakk just shrugged.

  »We don't know«, Kotallo answered. »Ezekko is the - «

  - »'Shoe-less'«, Kyrakka interrupted him. »From today 'till the end of days they shall be known as 'Shoe-less No̱ One, Two and Three'!« 

Tekotteh huffed. It was obvious that he wasn't pleased. As the Commander, he was accustomed to initiation rites beginning without his involvement. Typically, they were almost finished by the time Tekotteh arrived, allowing him to simply enjoy the rest of the show, and approve and announce the results.

At that moment Likkath and Rokko appeared at the south entrance of the pit. Both looked as if they had been in a fight; their hair was tousled, their face paint smudged and they were injured: While Likkath had a split lip that was still bleeding, Rokko was holding his left arm close to his chest.
Uvveh let out a soft 'Uh-oh', and Tekotteh immediately started moving. In the middle of the pit he caught Likkath and Rokko up - »What happend?« They didn't answer, they only looked at each other. »Sky and blood«, Tekotteh yelled at them, »you both know the rules, don't you?!«

  »We didn't do that to each other«, Rokko suddenly found his voice back. Kotallo could see how embarrassed they were; but if they really hadn't fought with each other, he was now all the more curious about their explanation. »Who did you fight with then?«, Tekotteh questioned.

Another uncertain look at each other. »Nhevv«, Rokko replied at last, receiving a displeased look from Likkath.

Kotallo pondered. Nhevv; that name had been on everyone's lips lately, but not in a good way... Wasn't that the girl who was repeatedly sneaking out of the Bulwark, then sentenced by Tekotteh to some kind of disciplinary duty, only to be blamed for pulling pranks during those tasks and sentenced right to the next disciplinary duty?
Well, that was a surprise! Kotallo heard Annira mutter something, Kyrakka even started laughing.

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