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Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success

  »You need to put more strength in your right arm when you strike from below«, Kotallo called out.

Nhevv looked at him, then she let the staff glide through her fingers a bit, grapped it lower, firmer; continuing her attack on Ezekko. He kept parrying her attacks, but the change in Nhevv's rhythm and striking force didn't go unnoticed by him - »How about giving me some useful tips too?«, he asked. Kotallo chuckled. »Complain to Kyrakka, not me«, he answered, not entirely serious.

Since Nhevv and he had returned to the Bulwark, everything had gone well. Kyrakka seemed to have used the time to reflect on the entire situation, and so the hardhead had actually been holding back for weeks now, neither complaining about the fact that Nhevv could currently do whatever she wanted, nor about how this didn't exactly help close her performance gaps compared to the rest of the team. He was also refraining from personal jabs to provoke her, and although he couldn't entirely avoid occasionally making a small dig about her size comparison, his tone and demeanor showed that he really just wanted to poke fun like before; Kyrakka simply remained Kyrakka. There was practically never a day that went by without him teasing someone in his unique way. But this time, it affected everyone on the team again, not just Nhevv.
Annira seemed to relax too, which didn't surprise Kotallo. Although she still denied having feelings for Kyrakka, the fact that she continually was affected by his behavior, whether consciously or unconsciously, was confirmation enough for Kotallo. In the end, it was a constant that somehow reassured him: When Kyrakka was relaxed, it extended to Annira as well. And that was something he could handle.

And Nhevv? The changes in the others did not leave her unaffected, just as the fact that Kotallo continued to allow her to live in her family's cave despite Tekotteh's obvious displeasure. It influenced her, and so she opened up to the others and the situation a little more every day, managing to hold herself together despite all the adversities.
Kotallo knew how much she loved Arattuk and Sekkath, and the freedom she found with them at the watchpost, but he also noticed how important it was for her to keep her promise this time. He took a deep breath, watching the two of them spar and savoring the moment - yes, things were going well.
Of course, there were moments when he doubted, times when he wondered if everything might just be a lucky coincidence and that everything would fall apart the next day. But then he always remembered that one evening, the evening when they had all been together for the first time in the assembly cave after training; one of those evenings when they had to prepare their meal together to salvage anything edible, after Kyrakka had somehow managed to mess it up again. Just this time,  Nhevv had been there too.
At first, it had been unfamiliar for everyone, but after a short time, the atmosphere developed so well that everyone stayed in the cave instead of returning to the squad's cave after cooking, as usual. And so they had eaten together with Nhevv and had simply stayed there for hours, much to the chagrin of Tekkah and those who had prepared their meals at the large cooking area simultaneously or shortly after them.

That evening, Kotallo had heard Nhevv laugh out loud for the first time since they had returned to the Bulwark. It was the moment when he had felt relief that all of his 'worst case' imaginings about the time after their return hadn't come true, and at the same time, he had felt deep inside how much he wanted that the team stuck together and that Nhevv became a part of it; how much he wanted her to be part of this family and not end up as an outcast.
And so he clung to the idea that she might change her mind someday. That she would realize it was pointless to anger Tekotteh and simply let time work for her. Someday, Arattuk and Sekkath would no longer be able to fulfill their duties at the watchpost, and the task would have to be taken over by someone new. It could be Nhevv, even though it was unusual for someone with an intact squad to be assigned to such a task and pulled away from their squad. On the other hand, Nhevv never wanted to become part of a squad, becoming a Soldier, and although Tekotteh was currently punishing her by forcing her into that role, it was evident to everyone that he preferred not to have her inside the Bulwark. It could be a win-win situation for both. Kotallo didn't see other ways for Nhevv to get what she wanted. There were indeed a few options for permanently leaving one's own clan's territory, such as living as a Veteran among the Utaru or serving as a Guard, Marshal or Chaplain alongside the Chief. However, these roles were usually reserved for the clan's elders or highly esteemed Soldiers; for a young Tenakth like her, without any particular achievements to point to, these options weren't realistic. Her only chance was to get on good terms with Tekotteh and hope that he was attentive and willing enough to piece together the individual clues, decide in her favor, and eventually assign her to the watchpost in the Cold Rushes on his own someday. And if Kotallo managed to make her feel at home here, maybe it wouldn't be so hard for her to stay away from the Cold Rushes, at least for as long as it took to chance Tekottehs mind -

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