Price: Smoke

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Warning: None

Words: 2.053

Reading time: 8 minutes

~ tension ~

It was nearly always the same. You were starting to consider it a routine at this point.

Every night for the past week you had found yourself out here at least once. The others were sleeping, you presumed, and the silence of the night was the only thing keeping you company. The only sound present being the rustling of the trees dancing in the wind.

A sigh escapes you as a soft breeze causes goosebumps to form on your arms.

You reach into your pocket, fishing out a single cigarette to place it between your lips. But when your finger flicks down on your ragged old lighter, nothing comes out.

You try a few more times, but the damn thing doesn't even offer you a single spark.

"Fuck me," you mutter, quickly growing frustrated.

"Need some help, love?" The captain's voice pulled you out of your frustration. With a slight smile, he makes his way toward you with his own lit cigar between his lips.

He towers over you, your back hitting the edge of the picnic table as he leans forward. His fingers carefully pull the cigarette from your hand, gently placing it back between your lips again.

As he reaches forward, touching the tip of his cigar to yours, the corner of his lips twitches slightly before curling up into a smile.

You can't help but look away, the intensity of the eye contact nearly scaring you.

God how fucking dead you'd be if he knew the thoughts you've had about him.

Or.. still do.

"Thanks," you mutter quickly, your hand reaching up to grab your cig after taking a drag.

"You're welcome," he sighs low as he takes a seat beside you.

A little closer than usual, you notice.

"Can't sleep either..?" You ask hesitantly, blowing out some smoke in the process.

He chuckles low. "Could say that. What about you?" He takes a big puff from his cigarette. "What are you awake for?" He eyes you up and down, taking a good look at your bare legs, only slightly covered by the fabric of your gym shorts.

"Can't stop thinking about the mission, I guess," you sigh once more, the words coming out as a sort of confession.

"Worried about tomorrow, then?" He looks at you, taking another drag from his cigar and exhaling the smoke in your direction.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," You say, your head hanging forward slightly.

"You're a soldier, darling. You're trained for this." Price leans even closer, his eyes locked onto yours. "And I'll be there. It'll be fine. You know you can trust me."

Another blow of smoke leaves your lips. "I know. You're right."

"I'm sure you do." Price leans forward a little, taking in a better view of your lips wrapped around the cigarette. He smirks ever so slightly, running a hand along his jaw. "Now don't you think it's time for bed? Wouldn't want to keep you up all night."

"Are you gonna put me to bed, Captain?" You can't help but chuckle, the thought of it is somehow more than just funny.

"You bet I am," Price answers with a confident smirk. "I can't risk you not being at the peak of your game," he says in a low voice.

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