The only interesting thing that happened was Aiden getting hit in the babymaker during dodgeball. By me.

I apologized endlessly and he kept reassuring that it was okay and it was all an 'accident'. The rest of the group got a kick from it. It was Wednesday afternoon when I decided to visit our principal in his office. Sadly, he was in a meeting and wouldn't be out till two hours later. I had homework to do so I went home.

Thursday afternoon, I tried again. When I knocked on his door, I was informed that he was talking with a kid's parents. That lasted long too. Too long to wait for.

It's now Friday and since tomorrow's the weekend, I could wait for as long as I have to.

My friends headed to Sean's meet practice to show their support. I, on the other hand, excused myself, telling them that I had to talk to Mr. Camillo about college programs.

With no one else in the corridor, I pulled my skirt higher and loosened my blouse. Bringing my fist to the air, I knocked.

"Come in," his voice sounded from behind the familiar oak doors.

I let myself inside and locked the door behind me.

"Ah," he reclined on his office chair, "It's you," spoke Nikolas not too enthusiastically.

"You seem happy to see me," I made my way around his table and sat on his desk, right in front of him.

He snorted, "As happy as getting my electricity bill," annoyed, he sighed, "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to check up on my favorite old man," I crossed my legs and let them dangle off the desk. Camillo looked relaxed with his shoulders slumped and his eyes hooded.

Is that what six days without seeing me does to him?

"Whatever you're here for, you're not getting it," he yawned and stretched before standing up. I watched the man make his way to a file cabinet and run through the drawer's contents.

"Get out, I have work to do."

"It's dismissal time."

"For students, yes," he stared at me before bringing his attention back to the files in the cabinet.

"What a hard-working man. You can work from home, you know. I'm sure Mrs. Camillo's dying to see you," this time, I'm the one who yawned. Nikolas got the file he was looking for and opened it, reading the text on fine bond paper.

"And I'm dying to see her too," he muttered.

"Oh? Are you excited to be lured into bed for some baby making? I heard Bianca wants a little Nikolas running around home," I played with my nails as a smirk worked on my lips.

"I don't know what she told you," he sighed tiredly, "But whatever it is, it's none of your business," he made his way back to his desk and playfully hit my knee with the folder in his hand, "If you'll excuse me, I'll be needing my desk."

I stared at his honey eyes as I slid off the large table. He sat on his chair and I sat on his left thigh.

"I know there's a reason why I got those guest seats." he nodded at the two chairs at the other side of the desk.

"It's comfier here," I wiggled my ass, feeling the fabric of his slacks against me, "Don't you want your guests comfortable?"

"You're not a guest, you're a nuisance."

He pulled his laptop from his bag and laid it on his desk, typing as he answered emails. After a few pregnant minutes, I said, "Just because I came to see you doesn't mean I want anything from you."

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Where stories live. Discover now