I may not have appreciated the macaroons much during dinner but I did as I sat on the steps leading to the pool, fitting as much as I could in my mouth. I would never eat like this in front of anyone, even if it was Aiden's cooking. Good thing no one was—



Jared stood to my side. I was too engrossed in the food to realize he had appeared. The water cast fluid and glowing reflections on his face. He had a bonnet again covering his head. His getup was much more comfortable than mine which I suddenly envied; sweatpants, a big shirt, socks and slides.

It took him a few seconds to register my state.

"Damn," he said.

I glared at Jared. "What?" I spat and I swear some bits of food came out.

He looked at me weirdly and seemed on the verge of laughing.

"I'm going back in," I stated, getting to my bare feet and heading for the door.

Jared stopped me with a grip to my arm. He pulled away immediately, laughing now.

"Come on, kid," he quipped, "It's fine. I've seen worse."

"What do you mean worse?" I glared.

He laughed to himself before he spoke, "I've watched Shrek."

I headed for the door again. Jared stopped me, again.

"No, seriously," his laughter had died. The man walked to the steps and sat, "You look like you need company."

"Really? this isn't in your job description, I think," I sat beside him and ate the last of my macaroons.

"It's not," he commented, "But it's beyond work hours anyway. Think of it as charity work."

My jaw dropped. Beyond Work Hours Jared was brute.

"You keep doing that," he said.

"Doing what?"

"You always roll your eyes," he tried to mimic me and it didn't suit him.

"Let's say it's a coping mechanism," I put.

"A Rosaleen mechanism," he added.

We were quiet, both watching the water move. It was beautiful—mesmerizing. The lights changing colors was a nice touch too.

"You wanna tell me why you're out here murdering macaroons and looking like Shrek?"

"Just some mom trouble," I began, "I wasn't completely lying when I said it's bumpy between my mother and I. You've probably noticed; she's not much of a mom to me and Wyatt. Growing up, I wanted her to be but now it's too late. I just want her to stay away like always."

He was quiet. The mood turned somber. "I'm sorry," he told me.

"Why?" I snorted, "It's fine, I don't want pity."

"No, Rose. I'm sorry."

I was starting to get confused. Jared did look sorry. Nervous even. But for what?

"Well, when you said you wanted to reunite with your mother, I..."

It dawned onto me. Fuck. I got to my feet. This was all Jared's fault. We could've remained peaceful here but no, someone just had to stick their hands into family business.

"Rosaleen," he began, getting up to follow me.

"Rose," he said again, more quiet this time as I padded through the living area.

Resisting Rosaleen (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora