Lilith is back - Yadani 1.0

Start from the beginning

Styx just paused for a moment then laughed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's a good thing you're pretty, you know that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yadani asked, crossing her arms.

"The Raven? The Raven?"

"Yes 'The Raven', Styx. Come on, this is serious."

"Listen, The Raven and I don't exactly get Sunday brunch every week, I don't know him that well, but trust me if he has someone then there is no way they're getting away unless he wants them to."

Yadani looked down at her feet, back over to Jinlyl, then back to Styx. She said nothing, but Styx quickly realised what was going on.

"Who is that girl, Yadani?"

"That's uh.. Lilith. Jinlyl's sister."

"I thought she said her little sister was dead?"

"No, we just.. Well we thought she might be."

"Wait, The Raven was your grumpy buddie's ex, right?"


"And he took her siblings, one of 'em he turned into one of his inventions?"


"So that's why you're acting weird and nervous."

"I just don't want Jinlyl to get hurt after what she's already been through." Yadani sighed and rubbed her face, "Brother Martin and The General would probably kill me for talking about this stuff with you."

"Probably, but I won't tell. It gets so lonely in here y'know?"

"Yeah well if you're good, I might be able to help with that."

"Wait what?"

"Nope, that's all you're getting for now, if I say too much you'll get overexcited."

"Oh come on," He pleaded, now holding onto the bars, "You can't tell me something like that and then just leave me hangin'."

Yadani just gave Styx a look then glanced up at the beam his cage was hanging from, then looked back at him. He realised what she meant and rolled his eyes.

"Very funny."

"I know."

It probably shouldn't have, but talking with Styx did make her feel better. However, she was still worried about Lilith and Jinlyl, and now Styx's certainty about The Raven not being sloppy enough to just let a captive go free made her even more concerned. Yadani sighed and sat down at the edge of the pool, looking down at the holy water.

"Do you ever get scared?" Yadani asked, sadly.

"Of what?"

"Of being.. What we are.."

"Vampire isn't a bad word, Yadani. And no, I don't get scared of it."

"What if you hurt someone you care about?"

"I don't have to worry about that, I got no one in my life I'm worried about hurting. Then again, if you were still mortal, maybe I'd be worried about hurting you."

"Uh huh, I'm sure."

The two of them were quiet for a few seconds, before Styx sighed and spoke again.

"Listen, gorgeous, you do not have to be worried about hurting people you care about. Trust me, I've known a few vampires, and you're nothing like 'em. You seem like you'd ask one of the feral rats here if it's alright to drink from 'em first."

Yadani laughed and looked up at Styx, smiling, and tucked some of her black hair behind her ear.

"That was actually a nice thing you just said, I'm impressed."

Styx chuckled and leaned against the bars, "Why, thank you, I do try."

Yadani smiled a little then glanced back over to Jinlyl. Styx followed Yadani's eyes then looked back at her.

"You guys will probably be fine, okay? I mean this Lilith's just a kid, anything happens I think the annoying guards and you three can deal with her. Besides, if that happens, she might get this lovely room, and I'll just have to be put in a different one."

"Ooo now wouldn't that be something."

"What are you doing here?" An assertive voice suddenly asked from behind Yadani.

She quickly got to her feet and turned around, the General standing proudly at the top of the stairs.

"I was trying to interrogate the prisoner again."

"Did Brother Martin give you permission to do this?"

"No sir."

The General gave Yadani a distrusting look. He hadn't exactly been a fan of her, Jinlyl, or Shelby since day one, but that wasn't really surprising. He stepped to the side, out the way of the stairs, his eyes fixed on her in an intimidating gaze.

"You should get back to your friends." He said, his tone making it clear that it was a demand and not a suggestion.

Yadani bowed her head politely then made her way down the stairs, glancing at Styx on the way down, who winked at her just before she was out of eyesight.

We'll be okay. It will all be fine. Jinlyl is going to be fine. Shelby and I will keep her safe. Everything will be just fine.

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