First time in her life she gets an opportunity like that so she won't want to waste it. She will do anything to make him agree.

He chuckled like she just told him the funniest joke.

What's so funny?!!

She asked with a straight face.

These skills are not for kids you little girl. Go to your home and sleep.

He mocked her which made her angry.

And I will prove it to you.

Suddenly she heard a palace bell.  This indicates it's time to close the market and soon guards will come to check if everything is shut down or not and it's also her time to go back before someone catches her.

Fine, it's my time to go back but it does not mean I'm not gonna bother you anymore. I will find you again and make you agree to teach me.

She said with a smirk and started to move away from there.

He saw pure passion in her eyes which made him a little surprised.

We will see the little girl.

He also said with a smirk.

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She makes her way inside her room through the window.

Finally, you are here! 

Someone said from behind taking her breath away. She slowly looked back.


Yeah, Jenna!!  You scared me you bitch!!.
And when did you come back? I missed you so much.

Yn throws herself at her hugging her like a koala

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Yn throws herself at her hugging her like a koala.  Making Jenny blush because of their closeness.

Missed you too princess.



Kim Jenny.

•Yn's personal maid

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Yn's personal maid.
•Age 18
•Worked for her from her childhood.
•Developed some unknown feelings for her.


To be continued *

This update is for specially for
Riruruyan . @sana-kim and @jiya-zio

So I got a good response to this story. Although the readers are not too many but those who like this story are enough for me.

So currently my final exams are going on. That's why I was not able to update. Today was the second last one just 1 more left to go and then I will update regularly 😊

Rebel Vs Obsession/ KTH x JK x Reader/Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя