Chapter One- Academy of Limago (Part 1)

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The Blue fire scorched the rubble strewn ground, the smell of ash and charred flesh soured the air. The Lich King's cold lifeless eyes stared unblinking into the Fiery red ones of the Guardian. The King let out a humorless cackle as he brandished his blood splattered scythe. "I guess this is it,I did enjoy our little game?" He said with a mournful look which contorted into a deranged smile. Twirling the large scythe in his hand, he lunged towards the Guardian. As she engaged the King in battle, adorned is her well crafted black steel plated armor, and as she slashed her sword it shone a brilliant gold. She snarled at the King, narrowing her ruby eyes under her plated helmet. She swung her sword in an arch which collided with Lich king's razor scythe, sending them both reeling backwards.

They circled one another,as their ancient weapons clashed and as the ground splintered and trembled beneath them.A strong phantom gale swirled around the two beings,which swept away nearby rubble. "I will never let you win!" The Guardian roared as she slammed her body against the Lich kings freezing one, knocking him off balance. Taking this chance The Guardian raised her blazing sword plunging it into the Lich king's fiery cold heart. Slowly the Guardian regained her composure as she raised her gilded blazing sword above her head a roar of victory left her bruised and tired lungs.

Leon sighed as he snapped the book shut, turning his head towards the large overgrown temple door. It was massive, made of enchanted iron .The cracked and crumbling whitestone walls still remained standing against all odds. The inner and outer defense walls lay strewn across the courtyard, this place was in disarray.

Despite the condition of the area it was Leon's safe place away from the cruel judgemental eyes of the realm. He came from a long line of sages which were viewed as insignificant to the current day mages.

Leon tossed his fluffy ginger hair as he fixed his metallic green round rimmed glasses. Jolting as a loud "LEON" echoed from within the rubble, Leon smacked the base of his palm against his forehead as his Catron friend happily lept from the large fragments of the defense walls as he kept turning back to look at something. Soon followed sheepishly by his Wolvron friend, who climbed gingerly over the rubble, slipping and staggering a few times.Causing the Catron to burst out laughing while the Sage chuckled under his breath.

Mune landed softly, his padded hands and paws giving him a stealthy arrival, laughing as Leon jolted. Salga followed soon after, he sat down to Leon's left while Mune sat to Leon's right as they casted their view over the fragmented strew courtyard. "Man this place gives me the jitters"Salga stated gruffly as his onyx tail twitched nervously. Leon smirked as he reached towards Salga, rubbing his large black fluffy head. Salga's eyes wandered the courtyard before he piped up again "It's just we don't know anything about this place or what's even behind those doors'' he said pointing a clawed finger towards the large set of enchanted iron doors. "Well why don't we open it, Leon's learned some spells,right?" Mune chirped, jumping to his paws, grinning like a cheshire cat. Leon sighed but a small smile soon played its way onto the young sage's freckled features. Dragging his warm gray leather satchel towards him, placing the large ornate silver book inside, before making his way down the broken steps.Mune let out a confused mew as Salga leapt up,a relieved sigh left his lupine maw as he followed after Leon tail wagging happily behind him. "Salga's right, for all we know the Lich King himself could be behind those doors and plus we need to get back," Leon joked as he began to weave between the rubble.Mune groaned loudly and mumbled something under his breathe, which caused Salga to snap at him.

Mune whistled, his arms folded behind his head as the group approached the large castle.Cimma Academy. The large colossal fox sentry shifted,opening its monstrous maw.''Hey Leon,why not tell us about the Sentries?'' Mune said while watching the Fox Sentry.''A Sentry is a protector of the land of which it was created.There are 5 Sentries, The Fox or Vultrox the Sentry of Limago,made of black iron and embodies Vultrium the fox goddess of Trickery. Limago is adorned with small patches of forests and long rolling plains, which many races have made their home but most commonly humans and then The Wolf or Remus the Sentry of Frostfall,made of Koldstone created in Frostfall and embodies Lunaga the wolf goddess of death. Frostfall is a land of harsh frozen tundra that is inhabited by Beartroxes and Wolfrons that are more built for the harsh cold and The Lion or Sultar the Sentry of Raion,made of gilded sandstone and embodies Aion the lion god of life. Raion is a land of endless dunes of sand and hot blistering heat mostly inhabited by Sun Elves,Scorptos and Liomons, then The Snake or Salstha the Sentry of Amagore,made of Rimer stone and embodies Parashuma the snake deity of Serenity.Amagore is a thick dense and humid jungle which is inhabited by Lamias,Nagas,Driders and many more species. Then lastly The Deer or Druida the Sentry of Tarona,made of Violet Slate and embodies Andromeda the stag deity of wisdom. Tarona is a Taiga full of thick dense forest and is inhabited by Deerin, Foxrons and many kinds of Avians.

"Please turn to page 1242 in your tomes' ' Professor Wyrm gurgled, wiping his nose on his rather stained plaid handkerchief. Leon's luminous emerald eyes briefly skimmed over the context of the moth-eaten page,he had already studied this topic several months ago,but decided to sit back and let his classmates try to answer the ridiculously hard questions.

Leon sat before the bubbling brass steel cauldron measuring powder Dream Root, before being roughly jolted forward. "Sorry" a sleazy voice sarcastically apologized. Leon ignored it and carried on measuring the vastly different ingredients that were scattered over his potions desk. Again he was roughly shoved forward, Earthian magic crackled around the tips of his finger. He let out a deep breathe,scooping some powder lionfish into the base of his palm.Turning towards Chaz-of whom had noticed that Leon had turned around as was now facing him "Aww sorry I didn't mean to bump the little ~sage~" Chaz sleazed sarcastically,nudging his closets companion.Leon hummed smiling as he brought his outstretched hand to his mouth and blew causing the powder lionfish to fly straight into Chaz and his gangs eyes. The group wailed as they ferociously rubbed at their eyes,which only served to make the stinging worse.

Professor YellowFang, a well aged Catron turned her liquid sapphire slit pupiled eyes towards the commotion. Shaking her head,before turning back to the black leather book she had been summarizing

A moment later the fur around her neck puffed up as Chaz's rich-boy voice rang about the room. "Wait till my mother hears about this you-you" he stammered before shouting "BlackBlood".This gained the attention of the whole class.Professor Yellowfang rose so quickly from her chair that it clatter to the ground."THAT IS ENOUGH" She roared her hackles bristling before she turn her scrutinizing gaze towards the group "Chaz,Mona,Dru and Bru go to the medical wing

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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