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"Wh-what's going on?!" Cheong-san said.
Everyone started to get up and panic. Screaming was surrounding me. Kids were running into each other and fighting to get out. They were throwing each other in the way to save their own lives. it was like a zoo. The prey running away from the predators.

I didn't even realize the rest of the people at my table had left me. Probably thinking I would follow one of them, but I was to wrapped up in my own thoughts to notice. I covered my ears, I was overwhelmed by the noise and chaos. I was weak in this moment. I felt a hand grab mine. it was like a light into my darkness. My first instinct was to pull away and slap whoever it was. Before I could slap them away, I heard his voice.

"Lets go!" Su-hyeok was yelling to me. He sounded far away from all the screaming that was happening. I could barely hear him. I could barely hear my thoughts for that matter.

All the students were either running and screaming or being eaten alive and screaming. This can't be real, right? Kids eating each other?
Su-hyeok drags us out of the school doors, quickly looking around for a place to go. I squeeze his hand slightly and point to a ladder. There was an older guy on it but the zombies were dragging him off it. Now was our chance.

Su-hyeok and I grab the ladder and place it to an open window. He climbed up first while I held the ladder from below. I could hear someone yell "Its bare-su!" as I watch hands grab him and pull him into the classroom. His head peaks out and yells for me to start climbing. I nod and started up the ladder. The zombies were getting closer and I grab Su-hyeok's hand. Before I knew it, the ladder was taken down from beneath my feet. I wasn't fully in the classroom yet as Su-hyeok and some others pull me inside and I sit on the floor, trying to catch my breathe. I look over and Su-hyeok was laying on the floor next to me with his eyes closed.

"Did they get you?" a concerned Su-hyeok asks, his eyes now wide and glued to me; his eyes searching my body for any cuts, scratches and/or bites.
"No." I simply say and lean my head back against the wall, closing my eyes for a second.

Four arms wrap around me and squeeze. Its On-jo and I-sak.
"I'm so glad you two made it!" I-sak said.
It was weird they were hugging me, I knew they hated me; or at least didn't like me around so why the sudden change?
"we are glad you all made it too." Su-hyeok said.
They let me go and I get up. I see Nam-ra, a small smile on her face. It was more a look of relief. She was the only one who I think actually liked me, even if we weren't close and even if it wasn't a lot. She wanted me around and I think I wanted her around too.

"We need to close the window!" some girl in pink was yelling. "Please! the damn window now, close it!"
I look over and it was Na-yeon. I let out a groan of frustration.

I never liked her, she bitched to much for my liking. She never paid me any mind so I did the same to her. She always had problems with kids who didn't have a lot of money though, which pissed me off even more. Why hate someone because they have no money?

"We were trying to get bare-su and y/n in! just give us a second!" Dae-su said, a bit annoyed.
Its rare seeing him actually upset. He fakes it for laughs normally. 

"What are those things?" Cheong-san finally speaks.
"Zombies?" Su-hyeok asks, sitting up.
"Zombies don't exist." I think for a second, "It might be some sort of virus or sickness." I said, sitting down in a chair.
"We need to call someone!" On-jo says. "We need to look for a phone."
We all got up, looking in desks and bags for a one.

"got a phone!" I-sak says, pulling it out of someones bag. "Damn it has face ID."
"Look there! there she is!" Dae-su said, pointing to the door. Gyeong-su was sitting on the floor holding the door closed.

Cheong-san grabs the phone and holds it up to the girls face. "Its not working."
On-jo walks up to him, "You don't need face ID for emergency calls."
He nods and calls 119. "Sir! Yes! There are zombies! They are going around our whole school! Please send help!"
On-jo hits his arm. "don't say zombies!"

Great we are all gonna die. I sigh, taking a seat on the nearest chair.

The call ended, I doubt it went well though. He said zombies were taking over our school. Who's ever gonna believe that? Probably just thought it was some sick joke.

While I was in my thoughts, I heard Gyeong-su and Na-yeon arguing. Not sure what it was about but it got interrupted by the door opening and closing. I look up and it was the PE teacher.
"I'm so glad you kids made it... Quick, we need to start blocking off the doors. Start stacking chairs and desks against them."
Everyone started to stack up desks and chairs against both doors.

something felt off about him just showing up, about him sweating bullets when not doing any help. I looked over at the PE teacher and dropped the chair I had in my hands. "Hey!" I said, pointing my finger at his arm. There was two layers of teeth marks, not a lot of blood but enough to show he was bitten.

╰┈➤ 𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 'ˎ˗
✎ im still trying to get the story started, sorry its taking so long 🥲 i do hope you are enjoying.

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