It would have been better for the Princess to be wary of Evelyn and dislike her like before. Had she done so, then Evelyn may not be able to endure it for too long and returned to the Duke's residence without staying in the Imperial Palace.

However, it was also him who warned Evelyn for fear that such a thing would happen and invited the Imperial Princes and the Princess to the marriage proposal ceremony.

"Lord, could we for a moment."

"What's the matter?"

Uttering so, Cassius did not hide his discomfort.

The Princess gazed at him for a moment, then slowly opened her mouth.

"It's about the Young Lady Garneid... Well, I don't mind doing it here, though I think the situation will be different."

"...This way."

While they were keeping each other at arm's length, their words became shorter and shorter. Cassius had no intention of showing his respect to the Princess. She was a princess who was struggling to survive somehow because she lost her means of livelihood, anyway. Her exchanges with the Empress also proved that.

"So, what's the matter?"


The Princess let out a sound of her pondering for a moment before opening her mouth.

"You know this, right? That Young Lady hates the Lord."


From this moment on, Cassius decided to hate Princess Hermia three times more than he did before.

"That face, it looks like I hit the nail on the head. Young Lady Garneid is stubborn and the Lord doesn't know how to handle her. But, I have a solution... Aren't you curious?"

Cassius let out a smirk.

"What do you mean, a solution?"

If it was a simple solution, he would have already won Evelyn's heart. However, it was Evelyn that did not fall through, even after he tried everything.

There was no way that Hermia, who had just gotten to know Evelyn, could come up with a proper solution.

"It's simple."

As Hermia leaned her body toward Cassius, she whispered softly.

"Give it to me."


"Young Lady Garneid doesn't hate the Lord for no reason. She hates you because she's afraid."

"That... What does it have to do with what you just said?"

Hermia laughed softly.

"Break off the engagement."


"I'll take care of the mess, so don't worry about anything. I'll also guarantee the Young Lady's position in the social world."

"That's not a solution."

Cassius sighed coldly. He was curious about what she would say, yet she was just trying to get Evelyn and himself apart.

Although to his surprise, it was the sound of laughter that returned.

"If you really think so, you're more foolish than you look. Does the Lord think you can win Young Lady Evelyn's heart in this state?"

"...It's the same even if I break off the engagement. To make the compulsion to have her by my side disappear, no?"

"No way. I really want to help the Lord."

At those words, Cassius frowned. Princess Hermia was not a fool. She must have a reason to keep saying these things to him like this.

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