ARC 1: It was a plan| Prolouge

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Quite of a sunny morning in the summer of the 1940s
Basement under Wyoming watch tower
Under the basement was a secret meeting room for strategic planning behind the pile of wooden boxes. Adder, Wyoming along with some other ships gathered around a small table

Adder: Okay... I'm sorry for interrupting some of your schedules today but I... sorry I mean we have a big problem right now

Dreadnought: Ay! We don't mind, what's wrong?

Adder: Okay... We need more metal and oil, the inland city's metal ore deposits and oil mines are having difficulty locating more extensive mines. So metal supply is becoming scarce but the need for metal in our city is still high.

Wyoming: Adder has told me one way to supply us with a temporary metal source is out in the sea...

Arkansas: Wait, out in the sea you mean?

Adder: That's right, hunting those sirens or mining underwater are the 2 plans I came up with. But mining underwater is way too much for our technologies currently

North Carolina: So our only option is hunting sirens? My guy, our firepower is not that strong against the sirens and the armor is not that durable against their weapon. Also, none of us has a proper anti-air weapon

Adder: I found some retrofit versions for 3 Ark Royal ships to be converted into seaplane carriers and aircraft carriers, that total is 6 carriers at our disposal

Dreadnought: That's still a problem, our planes are too slow to evade the enemy AA weapon. How could my buddy find that much plane to use

Adder: ... I'm thinking about it. But that's my plan for right now. In the future, we might be able to call someone from inland that have a good AA capability

Utah: Let's not talk about planes right now, we have to focus on what ships will be going to do it

Adder: Umh, I think I'll let Wyoming do this.

Adder then ended the meeting and all of the ships went back to their base. Later that night, all of the dreadnought class were called to the dock by Wyoming. They seem confused except for the ships that have attended the secret meeting. After the ships have settled into their seat, Wyoming begins the speech

Wyoming: Ehem... As you guys know by now, through the newspaper or in the bulletin. Our metal is sourced from inland cities and has been cut down by a quarter and a half from before... So our metal storage is running low and it'll soon be out by the next 2 weeks

Fuso: How is the situation in the inland city, do they have any immediate emergency plans to solve this problem?

Wyoming: Sadly no, they're trying to find one but it takes time. Although they will try to help us things seem to be hopeless

Canada: Then what are we going to do? Is it not like we can find a small metal ore deposit out in the sea?

Wyoming: Adder and I have come up with a quick plan. Hunting down the Siren (seductress) ships

     All of the ships started to discuss it and some started to show concern

Helgoland: How can we do that? We don't have that superior firepower against the Siren!

Wyoming: Wait wait wait guys, Adder has some idea about it. He's able to retrofit some of the specific ships and armed us with some improved guns that we stole from both Siren and Azur Lane. That will hopefully increase our firepower

Agincourt: New weapon or it's just our gun being upgraded?

Wyoming: I'm not sure but... Adder said is a completely different gun from before. Anyway *clap* *clap* back to our topics, Adder will take care of the weapon problems. Oh?! Is it that late? Uh... Everyone goes back to your base and have a rest, also prepare your stuff okay? I'll come by your base tomorrow for a small meeting

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