Natasha rolls her eyes as she throws the remote his way, making Barton scoff and narrow his eyes at the redhead

''Because it's a very important event and very important people requested that you guys come with me.'' Stark says.

None of them verbally protest, but God knows they're not looking forward to it.

''How'd that mission in California go?'' Clint eventually asks both Stacia and Nat.

Before either of them can answer, Tony quickly cuts them off.

''Speaking missions. Where's Cap?'' Stark asks, his eyebrows slightly knit together.

''He's finishing up a mission evaluation with Fury.'' Anastasia replies, grabbing the remote Clint's lap - the one Natasha had thrown at him minutes ago.

''In DC?'' Clint mumbles, seemingly uninterested.

''Fury's in NYC for the weekend.'' Natasha replies as she shakes her head.

Then, the sound of the elevator opening makes the 6 avengers turns their heads.

Bursting out comes Rogers, dressed in casual jeans and a T-Shirt and a few light cuts and bruises on his face.

Even though they already look week or two old, Anastasia's sure those are from Thursday's mission.

Damn super-soldier-healing.

''Speak of the devil.'' Stark mutters.

''Hey, Cap. How'd your mission- what's that?!''

Clint's mouth falls slightly agape, his eyebrows furrowing as he watches walk towards them.

When he does, though, Barton notices his bloody knuckles. And so does the rest.

''I thought you came back from that mission in Iraq two days ago?'' Natasha asks, turning her head every-so-slightly as she inspects his fists.

''I did,'' Steve replies unknowingly ''came straight over here after the evaluation.''

Bruce's eyebrows now also furrow. He is the doctor, after all.

''With your serum, wouldn't that have healed up a bit more by now?'' He asks.

''There's dried blood on that.'' Stark points out.

That should've been washed off by now.

Rogers seems to notice what they're talking about, and he quickly hides his hands behind his back.

He quickly looks at Anastasia, before his eyes flicker to the coffee table.

''What'd you do?'' The Red Widow asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

''Nothin'..'' he mumbles, looking away to the ceiling.


Anastasia narrows her eyes as she looks up at him. He's still standing.

Steve turns around and walks towards the sink. He cleans up the dried blood from his knuckles, only to reveal the clear punching bruises on them.

''Don't walk away now! It just got interesting!'' Tony exclaims with a grin on his face.

''Who did you punch today?'' Thor asks.

''No one.''

They all either shake their heads or roll their eyes.

''Rumlow's an asshole.'' He finally mumbles.

''You punched Rumlow?!'' Natasha exclaims with a grin, making him awkwardly look away.

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