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(!) slight trigger warning ! ⚠️

I was leaning against the wall of the construction site. it was being built a little off campus but the school still owned it. The crew doesn't work on the building during school hours, which means students sneak off to here a lot. to have sex, do drugs or just a get away. No teachers bother to come around and check either; as long as we don't fuck up the crews work, they couldn't care less.

Gwi-nam and his gang were inside the building. they normally go here before school starts. its their "group hide out" which isn't really a hide out since everyone knows they're there. I'm gonna guess they were on the second or third floor, since I could barely hear them. I didn't know what they were doing in there nor did I really care. it's none of my business. i got myself out of Gwi-nams messes now, why bother getting back into it? its a waste of time.

I took a drag on my cigarette before sighing and looking down at it.
I know cigarettes are bad but I didn't know any better. My mother and father would smoke cigarettes when they were stressed, I thought it was normal; and dad never hid his cigarettes either. It caused a lot of fights. Bad habit but I never thought to quit.

i lied, i do know better but, no one taught me right from wrong; that was until Sota came along. he was my Fathers right hand man in everything. he also became the babysitter for me. i always snuck some from Fathers desk though.

I see a tall-ish guy walk up to the building, taking a glance at me and walking inside. I didn't look up so I never saw his face. I could hear muffled voices and laughs from inside.
"Let her go, Gwi-nam!" a voice said. I recognized it to be Su-hyeoks voice.

He was a classmate of mine. I didn't really know that much about Su-hyeok, though. I knew he was one of the popular guys, well not popular per say but he was known by a lot of people. He played sports in his free time with all his buddies. I only know this because I smoke by the field sometimes. The teachers are to busy smoking themselves so I have no worries of getting caught down there. Even if I was to be caught, they wouldn't say anything to the principal, because no one is supposed to be smoking on school grounds.

That's all I know about the guy... oh and that he has a crush on Nam-ra, one of the only people i consider a friend. His crush isn't confirmed by him but, I always catch him trying to looking at her next to me in class. He's horrible at hiding it. he will stare at her almost all class-time and not get a single thing the teacher said. I don't understand crushes or being in love. How can one person you love impact your life so much?

After a few more seconds, he walks out with two others following him. A short girl and a average guy. I wasn't sure who they were but the girl was crying. I didn't bother asking what was wrong, I doubted she'd tell me and i didn't care.
"I can't just go. If I go then it gets worse tomorrow." the girl stated, turning around to go back inside.
"Just go, i'll handle them." I said. I don't know why I did, but I did. My mouth speaking before my brain could.
The girl sniffled, nodded with a small smile and went back to walking with the others. She walked with a much faster pace. Why was she in such a hurry to get away? I thought I was in for a small fight but I was Wrong.

after a couple minutes, I put out my cigarette on the concrete wall, then kicked it into the ground. i then walk into the building. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

   I was fixing my shirt as I walked back to class. That bitch owes me for not telling me what I was getting myself into! At least it was me and not her. It was Gwi-nam, what else should I have expected? With our past... I sigh as I open the door, the class stared at me.
"And where have you been Ms Y/n?" Ms Park asks me with a raised eyebrow.
I'm not gonna tell her I was late to class because I was smoking and stopped someone else from being assaulted. I stayed quiet for a minute but finally found some words.
"Sorry, I was at the nurses office. Stomach ache. must be something I ate."
"I knew she was in the nurses office. I'm sorry, I should have told you." Su-hyeok budded in. He looked at me then back at Ms Park.
Ms Park gives a satisfied nod and with that, I walked to my seat next to Nam-ra and looked out the window.

Nam-ra and I weren't close anymore. When we were younger we smoked together but she quit, so now we only talk in class about school work. I don't mind talking to her, though. She's quiet and I like quiet. She usually keeps to herself as well.

"Has anyone talked to Hyeon-ju?... anyone?" Ms Park looks around. No one says anything until a guy with glasses at the front of the class speaks up.
"We cleaned the science lab yesterday but that was the last I saw her."
Ms Park sighs with a nod and starts class.

Some time had passed in class when Nam-ra stood up to say something in front of the class, I'm guessing to answer a question asked by Ms Park. I was to distracted by a crow out the window to pay any mind to them.

"Su-hyeok, would you please tell us what Nam-ra just said?" Ms parks voice was a bit louder and had some sass to it, which caught my attention.
I looked from the window, facing the now quieted class. All attention was on Su-hyeok.
"well... uh. I very much agree with what she said!" Su-hyeok nods with confidence. Everyone lets out quiet laughs.
"And what is it that you agree with?" Ms park raised an eyebrow at him, trying to hide her smirk. When he couldn't come up with an answer she finally says, "Next time please don't be distracted in my class." Ms park glances in my direction, I didn't think much of it though. Probably distracted by Nam-ra like usual. He nodded and sat back down, a hint of blush brushed across his cheeks.

Ms Park was a laid back teacher. She was like a mother to the students. At least thats how I looked at her. I don't have the best home life or relationship with my parents so having support at school is nice. She is able to joke and play around with her students, not enough to get completely distracted but enough to keep the kids entertained to pay attention.

I sighed, looking back out the window, wondering what the crow was thinking; wondering what he was doing. He doesn't have to go to classes or be friendly with people. He probably doesn't have family problems. He is able to just fly away whenever he wants. Lucky bastard. I would give anything for that.

Suddenly, the door slid open with a loud bang, catching everyones attention; it was Hyeon-ju.

╰┈➤ 𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 'ˎ˗
✎ Hey guys! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. i love the yn stories where shes like distant and mysterious 😼

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