Chapter 13

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Finally I wouldn't put a foot in a match for PSG, I had a slight step back in my recovery. But it's not important anymore because from now on we are leaving France for Spain and then it's gonna be vacation.

-Ready Pequena we need to hit the road now if we don't want to be late and stuck in traffic.

-Sure, let's do Mamà.

I tried to keep Mamà company for the road but after half an hour my eyelids began feeling heavy and I was out like a light. A ringtone woke me up around noon.

-Holà, Jennifer Hermoso.

-Holà, Miss Hermoso. It's Gaëlle Dumas, I am the coach for the french youth team I am calling regarding your daughter. We would like for her to come play for us and are inviting her to camp.

-Well we are gonna discuss about it. Can we call you back?

-Absolutely, I look forward to your call.

-So I know I said to you that youth camp and everything were really good and would bring another level into your play but that's your choice. Where and for who you want to play is your choice. I will be proud of you either way.

-I want to go. Spain hasn't reached out yet which is quite understandable but I mean it's not the senior team so I still have time to choose. Right ?

-Si. So we are calling back asking for detail and then it's a yes.

I nodded eagerly, and called back since Jenni was driving.

-Allo, Gaëlle Dumas à l'appareil.

-Bonjour, Mme Dumas c'est Nemo Hermoso et Jenni Hermoso vous venez de nous appeler concernant le camp moins de 19. If we could switch back to english though it would be well appreciated by my mom.

The coach chuckled.

-Yes no problem. So concerning camp are we gonna have the pleasure of having you with us.

-So we discussed it, and it's more a yes but I would like to remind that she is just coming back from injury and she hasn't played in a longtime now. And on the more logistic side of it when and where it is because we are currently on our way to visit family in Spain.

I didn't really while they discussed the logistics of everything except when I understood that it was during the trip to Ibiza so no Ibiza for me.

-So you won't have to rent another villa to hide me from the world. You happy ? I teased.

-And you won't be able to experience the wild side that is Ibiza... which I am actually really grateful for.

-Don't get a girl pregnant while I am not there. I am not ready for a sibling.

-Did you listen during your sex education classes or France knows things that I don't ? She asked sarcastically.

I laughed and looked at her.

-I am gonna miss you during camp.

-Nemo, you won't, you will make friends and enjoy playing football again and when you'll come home you will be so happy you will be talking about it for two days straight, happy to be back and then you will want to go back.

We weren't interrupted again during the ride before we crossed the border. Then consecutively Abuela and Lola called to ask how the road was going and when we were arriving. We made it at 11 pm. We were exhausted at the end, we didn't even make a stop to eat dinner. And when we parked in front of Abuelas house we didn't get our stuff and just got in and went straight to bed.

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