Chapter 10

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-Qué ?!

-I forgot to bring a clean towel and I'm freezing. Can you bring me one please ?

-You really needed to inform the whole block of that ? Jenni said leaving.

I stayed in the shower freezing, I felt my skin forming goose-bumps and I was beginning to shake to try to bring some warmth. I know I was far from dying from the cold and was being overdramatic but hey I don't need to explain myself.

-Here, dancing chicken.

-Why a chicken ?

-Goosebumps it's chair de poule in french right. Which literally means chicken's flesh right? Thought it was appropriate.

-Hahaha. Funny.

She left the bathroom laughing at me.

In pajamas back in my room, I finished the letter to the judge and sent it to my CPS agent. And checked my mail, in two weeks it was Jenni's birthday and we were throwing a party for her. Lola was coming with Carmen and would,as we planned, keep her away from the apartment during the preparation. I was cooking the cake with Irene's partner's help, and Irene and others would help prepare food for everyone else and prepare the space so everyone would fit in the living space, living room and dining room. They had talked about gifts but didn't tell me what they were offering her. I had specified what I wanted to get her, thanks to Leire but was still making some final choices.

Between a T-shirt "Best Mom Ever" or a mug with a sign along the same note. With that you were going to prepare breakfast in bed for her. Leire and Abuela had said that you shouldn't buy her something that costs you a lot, Jenni would be more happy with something that would make her smile and/or something thoughtful. You were more for the shirt but you wanted to find a better sentence to print on it. So I kept searching and finally found something that satisfied me:


[mam] noun informal

1.finder of all things gift buyer vacation planner

4.biggest cheerleader & fiercest defender

5.dispenser of unconditional love

On a white T-shirt, Jenni would find it funny and it was pretty true, she organized our vacation well, I'm still just a kid so that's normal. She is always buying gifts for the both of us so we can have fun together. And she is fighting to be my mom and is always behind me, cheering me up when I have difficulties. If I lost anything I do go ask her if she has seen it, some would be smartass and say that she is the only person living with me so it explains, but last time I had lost my favorite socks with cute green dino on it and she found them in like ten seconds chrono. They were in one of the kitchen's drawers, for those who wanted to know and no I don't know how they got there. But I do have the tendency to do things halfway when I have a lot on my mind or when I am tired or when I am on the phone... which is actually a pretty long list already.

So let's get back on track to what I was doing, I found Mama's gifts for her birthday. And she is definitely suspicious of me, well I have been kind of jumpy lately, she keeps opening my door without knocking and everytime I close my laptop as fast as I can which makes me look even more suspicious than if I let it open. Last time I wasn't even searching for her gift nor planning with anyone, I was just watching The Originals, a serie that a classmate suggested to me. It was really cool by the way, when she opened the door, I closed my laptop, the sound was still on and it was a fight scene and in English, let me just say it can lead to some weird looks and unwanted situations. It was really uncomfortable but well now I got the Talk and I don't and won't ever need it again, ever.

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