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" why would I play with them that's to much work.."

" you only say that yet I see you shaking with excitement to play "


" Hah! Nothing to fight back my words that's something new "


Fujiwara sat alone in his classroom as he ate his lunch quietly, hearing his loud classmates talk and the sounds of footsteps outside his class did not once bother him.

He stared out the window tuning out every sound that came his way , Fujiwara then realised something " ah..Noya-kun comes back today " he mumbled. Fujiwara's desk mate turned to Fujiwara " you said something? " they asked , Fujiwara simply smiled and shook his head before looking away again.


' doesn't it get boring '

' you just stay at the sidelines and you don't even play '

' what's your purpose here '

Fujiwara hissed slightly as his mind was clouded with negative thoughts he was trying to forget before , ' what a bother..' he then was pulled out of his headspace as he heard shouting in the distance.

" Tanaka must've met Noya-kun already"

Fujiwara walks up to the gym and saw Nishinoya asking Kageyama questions , he didn't bother saying anything since he didn't want to bother them.

' He's loud as ever '

Fujiwara giggled to himself as he walks over to the rest who was having the same thoughts as him , " the only reason I came to Karasuno is..." Fujiwara perked up at the question looking at Nishinoya then to Kageyama and Hinata who was waiting for him to give a response.

"...was because the girls uniform was right down my alley. "

Fujiwara sweat dropped at the answer but he didn't expect much from Nishinoya anyway , looking at the blank faces of the duo somewhat made Fujiwara stifled a laugh. Nishinoya continues on rambling about the girls and their ' uniform ' , Fujiwara turns around to see Kiyoko and exchanged a quick nod.

He was walking over the the girl but seems like Nishinoya noticed their presence, " Kiyoko! Fujiwara! I crossed the seven seas to come see you! " both Fujiwara and Kiyoko jumped at the loud voice. Nishinoya launched himself but was slapped by Kiyoko instantly, Fujiwara stared at the guy who has a bright red slap mark on his cheek. Kiyoko dragged Fujiwara away while he was busy staring at Nishinoya who stood up like nothing had happened and asked if Asahi had return to the club which Sugawara and Daichi hesitated a bit before answering him " no.." the two looked away instantly.

Nishinoya gritted his teeth " That gutless wuss! " he yelled out angrily, Fujiwara glanced at them with pity swimming in his eyes as he sees Nishinoya and Tanaka arguing shortly before Nishinoya stormed off.

Fujiwara watches Hinata ran out the gym to find the guy which made him felt even more guiltier, he sighed to himself ' if I had convinced him or did anything to help..this wouldn't have happened..' Fujiwara was startled when he felt a hand tapped his shoulder , it was Kiyoko giving him a certain look ' don't burden yourself with those thoughts it wasn't your fault ' she didn't need to mutter a single word and Fujiwara would've understood already.

He stared out he gym door still waiting for Nishinoya and Hinata to walk in , they did came back in one piece.

" Hinata-san really did convince Nishinoya just by calling him ' senpai '  some talent he has " Fujiwara snickers as he stood by Daichi , " It's Nishinoya what were we expecting " Daichi smiled slightly as he glanced over to the male beside him who was staring at Nishinoya and Hinata interacting. Fujiwara stared as Nishinoya speaks about how amazing his position as a libero is and gave a heartfelt lecture to Hinata , those words of his made Fujiwara crack a small smile.

Siren ( On Hold )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon