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Raiden Fujiwara slowly made his way to the gym but as he hears the loud commotion he hurried his footsteps , before he could call out to them he was beaten by the vice principal seeing the old man he instantly shuts his mouth and waited outside not wanting to be apart of whatever problem they were having. He waited it out for a couple of minutes on he heard the silence  looming over them he thought it was over , but the sight of the vice principal's toupee on Daichi's head and the others were speechless Tanaka was trying not to burst out laughing. Fujiwara deadpanned at the sight but he snapped out of it as he sees the vice principal walking over to the gym's entrance with Daichi.

He bowed as the vice principal walked past him and Daichi placed his hand on Fujiwara's shoulder " Fujiwara...If you don't mind lecturing them for a bit before I come back " Fujiwara nodded slightly and mumbled a ' good luck ' to Daichi which he nodded and smiled slightly. 

As he entered the gym he sees two familiar 1st years arguing as if they hadn't done enough damage , " ara~ Daichi will definitely punish you two when he gets back " Fujiwara spoke up. The other four perked up at his voice and Sugawara smiled at his presence " Fujiwara-kun just in time I assume you've heard of these two " he pointed to the two boys who was gawking at Fujiwara. While Sugawara was talking to Fujiwara Hinata turned to Tanaka with his face lightened up " Tanaka-san who's that..? " Tanaka smirked to himself " That..is our beloved manager Raiden Fujiwara..he and Shimizu are truly beauty..both of them have a beauty mark makes them even more speacial.." a dramatic tear roll down Tanaka's face making the two 1st years deadpanned at their senpai.

Kageyama spoke up " I thought he would be a player someone like him would be more suitable on the court " he stared at Fujiwara intensely " oy..you're gonna burn holes into his head.." Hinata sweated. " Fujiwara-san does play sometimes but he always said he'd rather be a manager..but I'm tellin' ya he's a great player better than shrimpy over here of course and he can definitely keep up with your tosses Kageyama.." the three of them jumped when they heard his voice " Tanaka-kun I can hear you talking about me from over there hope you didn' say bad things about me " Fujiwara smiled softly.

" o-of course not I'll never do something like that to you! " Tanaka stuttered making Fujiwara chuckle to himself before turning to Hinata and Kageyama , " you two must be Hinata and Kageyama...I've heard a lot about you especially what have happened just now " Hinata instantly bowed and Kageyama joined in " HAI! MY NAME IS HINATA AND I WANT TO BE KARASUNO'S ACE " Tanaka was about to charge at Hinata but stopped when he heard Fujiwara lauhed ' s-so angelic..!' he clutched his heart.

" quite the ambition you have there..but I saw you're game before and let me tell you having high jumps doesn't mean you know it all there are still so many for you to learn.." Hinata looked up to Fujiwara as if he was blessed with knowledge and Kageyama was about to say something the Fujiwara cuts him off " and the infamous Kageyama it's a pleasure for you to be here...hopefully you'll get along well with the rest because I don't want for the team to be in shambles " Kageama nodded and looked at Fujiwara with awe.

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