04. Condition terminal

Start from the beginning

"Even if I wanted to, I can't ask her." Before Stiles could complain, Liam continued. "I haven't seen her all day, and she hasn't answered any of my texts since last night." The worry in his voice was obvious even to a deaf man as he ran his hand through his brown hair in exasperation. The boy refused to think of what it could mean, not believing Tracy would ever hurt Vinnie.

Silence enveloped them as they pondered on the new information. Their faces demonstrated what no one wanted to say out loud, in fear it would set the young werewolf off. If Vinnie was missing, the probability she would be found alive with a loose Tracy was low. Liam was well aware of it, but he refused to believe it, he would find Lavinia and she would be okay.

"She's probably just dealing with her grief, Liam. I'm sure she's fine," Kira's sympathetic words meant nothing as the boy could hear her heartbeat jump a beat.

──── ⋅ ∙ ⋅ ⋅ ────

The beeping sound of the heart monitor woke her up. Pain was the first thing she became aware of as she regained consciousness. A low grunt left her lips as she slowly opened her brown eyes, the artificial light hurting her eyes. She blinked and after some seconds she managed to keep them open. Her eyes darted to the bandage on her clavicle and the spots of blood that had seeped through the gauze.

Still disoriented, the girl looked at her surroundings in confusion, knowing she was in a hospital, but not knowing how she had gotten there. Her last memory was her fighting Tracy before she hurled her across the street like a rag doll. Remembering the feeling of being paralyzed, the girl raised her hand in panic, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she once again regained control of her extremities.

She glanced at the clock across the room that read 5 p.m., her eyes widened in alarm, and quickly sat down. Her vision turned foggy as bile rose in her throat, but pushed it aside as she realized she had no idea if Tracy was okay. Without hesitation, Vinnie pulled on the cables connecting her to the different machines, a drop of blood appearing where the IV needle used to be.

The girl glanced around the room looking for the pajama she had been wearing when she left the house, but it was nowhere to be seen. The only clothing in the room was a blue jean jacket that had been placed over her upper body while she slept, keeping her warm in the otherwise freezing room. Warily, she inspected it, not knowing where it had come from or to whom it belonged, but the woody smell of it was strangely familiar. Weird.

With no other choice but to wear the fabric, she slid her arms inside the sleeves and stood up, the oversized garment warming her immediately. The jacket fitted enormously on her body as it fell to her knees, hiding the horrible white hospital gown that broadcasted her ass to the entire world through the gap in the back. 

Her vision turned black for a second as she lost her footing but managed to hold herself up by leaning against the wall. Bile rose to her throat as dizziness attacked her. Vinnie didn't have to be a doctor to know she had a concussion, the dizziness, nausea, and throbbing pain in her head being the most usual symptoms.

For the second time in two days, the girl was shoeless as she opened the door to her room and peeked outside, nurses walking all over the place. After the coast was practically clear, she exited the room, her head hanging low, using her brown locks to hide her face as she passed a nurse who was too busy to notice her.

Vinnie turned right on a corner and saw the elevator at the end, but the familiar face of Dr. David Geyer, Liam's stepfather, forced her to quickly hide behind the same wall. With her heart in her throat, she stole a glance at the man and saw him pacing while dialing something on his phone before bringing it to his ear.

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