Ch 116

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★ Chapter 116

◎The Wrong Opponent◎


This result is really surprising, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be reasonable.

After all, the devil had already started planning for this long before the daytime era. And based on what Jiang Qi saw in the backtracking secret realm, in the second calendar of the Chaos Era, Azazel had actually completed most of the replacements between himself and the Lord of the Sun, and even his appearance was completely different. Already fit infinitely.

Now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and this time has been long enough to burn the lock, the dog has finished licking the noodles, and the chicken has finished pecking the rice, so the completion of Azazel's plan to steal and replace seems to be a thing that can be destroyed. Something to understand... Otherwise, it would seem that he is a bit too incompetent!

If Jiang Qi saw this scene when she didn't know anything, she should feel worried for Samuel; but with the previous conversation in [The Corridor of Thorns], she knew that everything was in Samuel's hands. In your plan, Jiang Qi's mood is inevitably a little strange.

This made her look at Azazel inevitably with some other meaning in her eyes.

However, it was impossible for Azazel to think that everything he was experiencing now was part of what had been planned long ago. Jiang Qi didn't give what he wanted - panic, fear, fear, or other emotions.

She just looked at him like that, but for some reason, under the gaze of the girl's cold eyes, Azazel had the illusion that she was a clown who was watching on the stage.

This feeling made Azazel feel uncomfortable.

In the past, when the world was still ignorant and had never been conceived from the chaos, which was very far away from now, Azazel was the one who was defeated in the battle and missed the seat of God, but He was not reconciled to such an ending.

Since it was lucky to continue from the chaotic era to the new era, in Azazel's view, this is simply a great opportunity bestowed on him by the gods, so he naturally began to plan with all his heart.

Every time he raised his head and saw the golden scorching sun in the sky, some kind of dark and jealous emotion would flash in his heart.

In Azazel's view, that should have belonged to him.

But no matter how unwilling he was, Azazel couldn't even move his body. He was one of the last living bodies in the battle of chaos, but he was defeated in the battle with Samuel and was nailed to death by the opponent.

Although he did not take his life away, in the eyes of the devil, what is the difference between being trapped in the dark and not free, and death?

Devils have never been tolerant creatures. On the contrary, they have small stomachs and will take revenge.

When he was under the white gravel and looked up at the pitch-black rock formation above his head, Azazel had already made up his mind that he would return this humiliation thousands of times to the Lie Yangzhi. on the body of the Lord.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, this is the law that the devil will follow.

And the devil did exactly that.

He chose a group. Although they looked so weak, the devil saw something familiar in them.

——It is the combination of ambition that is not in harmony with the status quo and greed that has no borders. It is clear that in this chaotic world, even one's own existence cannot be preserved, but there is always a flame in his heart, longing for something. Maybe something that I didn't even realize, it was too much.

Azazel appreciates such vigorous ambition, because ambitious people are the easiest to be seduced, and he can use this ambition to achieve his goals.

Everything was perfect and smooth as planned, with a little bit of soft-heartedness and indifference from the Lord of the Sun, and some inducements from Azazel, the last victor in the chaos before the creation of the sky, who was sitting in the sky, just like this capsized.

He was pierced through the chest by the devil's dagger, and if Samuel could still remember the defeat of his men with the spear, then he would realize that the location of the wound was the same as that of his wound on Azazel What is left is exactly the same.

Regardless of whether the Lord of the Sun is aware of it or not, it is all revenge from the devil, stabbing from the deepest underground to the highest and boundless sky.

And now, it was time for him to reap the fruits of victory—as for the owner of the blood moon and the mother goddess of the abyss, the devil did not put him in his eyes.

Because she didn't even participate in the final battle in the chaos, Azazel had never heard of Anderina's name before.

Azazel's detection cannot extend to the gap between time and space, it is the authority that belongs exclusively to the abyss. Therefore, in his cognition, Jiang Qi's appearance was only a recent event, and the newborn childish mother goddess was not even a year old - naturally, it was even less likely to be

his opponent.

From the moment he completed his revenge against the Lord of the Riding Sun, this world was already his back garden, and everything in the garden was something that could be easily picked up, so there was no need for too much attention.

So right now, when Jiang Qi showed such pity-like eyes, as if he had grasped something he didn't know, Asazler naturally felt a kind of unhappiness spontaneously.

Azazel felt his authority challenged.

"It seems that our moon is not willing to have a pleasant conversation with me." He said slowly.

When Azazel said this, a too dazzling light burst out from this already dilapidated body.

He took off the outer shell belonging to the seven-winged gods, and "walked" out of it, like a butterfly of light breaking out of its cocoon.

It was a face that combined Samuel's temperament and Azazel's facial features at the same time, and from certain angles, the shadow of the Lord of the Sun could be seen. The devil should have no wings, but now a pair of wide wings spread out behind him.

The wings don't look much different from the wings of ordinary protoss except that they are a bit too huge and a top three; but on top of this, one thing that cannot be ignored anyway is that those feathers All are gray.

It is not pure black, nor is it pure white, but somewhere in between, with an ambiguity that is difficult to distinguish.

"I'm not Samuel who will tolerate you infinitely." He said, "I don't need a disobedient moon."

However, after hearing what he said, the girl in front of her also showed an extremely cold smile.

"Who is obedient to whom...but it's not certain."

The fighter plane unfolded like that.

If the previous battle between the Demon King and the Seven-Winged High Priest just faintly caused the surrounding mountains and the ground to tremble continuously, then everything that happened now will make the world pale.

That is, the two most essential forces that make up this world are constantly colliding with each other, and every collision seems to be hitting the core of the world.

At first, no one cared about that kind of collision, because whether it was Jiang Qi or Azazel, they all realized that Du Fengshou was far more difficult than he imagined, and he had to do his best, not at all. able to be distracted.

The golden light in Jiang Qi's eyes gradually emerged, becoming more and more intense, more and more brilliant, until finally it was almost comparable to the scorching sun in the sky.

Her lips moved slightly, and no one present could even hear what she said clearly.

Family Magic. Death Sight.

Everything in front of her was reflected in the girl's eyes, and then it was quickly analyzed and structured, and finally became something that could be killed from the "concept" of existence.

That is the authority obtained from [Elegy of the Deep Sea], and it is the unwillingness and resentment of a whole piece of ocean before death. They have become the colors in her eyes, and they can help Jiang Qi easily judge all creatures in this world.

As long as it still exists in this world -

even the gods will become the target of judgment.

With a turn of Jiang Qi's wrist, the folding fan in her hand also turned in a circle, and the closed tip of the fan pointed directly at Azazel in front of her.

She exerted some strength on her wrist, following the trajectory she could see, the overly ornate and delicate folding fan was forcibly used in her hand with the momentum of a short knife.

And under the effect of authority, even the girl's power, which is actually not very strong, can easily cut apart everything she sees.

This was something Azazel never thought of.

After all, in Azazel's eyes, Jiang Qi's birth time was too short. So what if the other party is a god conceived by the world full of information? She will be a "weak" who can be easily subdued by him, a bird that can be manipulated and played with at will, and held in the palm of her hand... ——and definitely should not be what she is now, with such a

let He was inexplicably terrified, as if he was facing the last victor in the Chaos War with blood-red eyes.

He shouldn't be distracted by things like this. If he hadn't been distracted, he wouldn't have been touched by the short fan in Jiang Qi's hand—and when the fan, which looked like a girl playing house, really fell on him, Asaz But Le felt that some kind of almost terrifying force was tearing him apart.

What disturbed him the most was that Azazel found that such a force was something he couldn't resist. Whether it is using his own power or using the power that originally belonged to Samuel, nothing can stop that power from raging.

"What did you do?" He could no longer maintain his previous calmness.

However, Jiang Qi didn't seem to have any intention of answering him.

The maiden-like Mother Goddess had cold eyes, and the fan in her hand was lingering with a blood-colored luster, and then gradually drew it long, becoming a held longbow.

She drew her bow, and the deep purple thunder and blue-black hurricane turned into long arrows on the jade-white fingertips, and then went straight towards Azazel who was not far away with the sharp sound of piercing through the air.

Even a blind man could feel the terrifying power lingering on that arrow, but the distance between them was not too far, and the speed of that arrow was so fast that Azazel had no time to dodge— —

The long arrow sank into the gun, making an extremely dull sound, and the blood splattered almost stained everyone's vision.

But that was not the devil that Jiang Qi wanted to target, but another one, no one thought that he would appear here—

Jiang Qi looked at the white snake in front of her, and finally showed a very stunned expression on her face.


After crossing, I became the mother of all demons [MTL]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora