Ch 14

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  "Mother God?"
  Jiang Qi's ears moved, feeling that she had caught a word that she couldn't help but care about.

  This was the first time Jiang Qi heard about the "Mother God" in the mouth of an existence that was not a demon king, so she couldn't help but asked: "Who is the Mother God you are talking about? I have only heard of it." The existence of the six demon kings, but I have never heard of the mother goddess."

  Kather said "huh".

  He didn't seem to want to talk about this matter, but because the person who asked the question was Jiang Qi, and Cather didn't want to answer her question in accordance with Jiang Qi's wish - under such a state of mind repeatedly pulled, I had to explain one or two vaguely.

  "The demon king is not the master of the world, but only in charge and guarding the world. All demons are conceived and born from the deep abyss under the earth, and at the end of the deep abyss, the gap between time and space In between is the residence of the Mother Goddess, which traverses the Crystal Palace above everything." "

  One day... when the blood moon rises and replaces the sun and exists in this sky forever, the Mother Goddess will emerge from the sinking abyss." Wake up and come to this world."

  "The world will eventually usher in the master who has been away for thousands of years."

  Kasher said, perhaps because he was afraid that the saying of the blood moon rising into the sky would frighten Jiang Qi, so he stretched out his hand, He patted the back of Jiang Qi's hand reassuringly.

  "Don't worry, the Mother Goddess is magnanimous and loving. This world has only been away from her for too long, and one day it will return to the embrace of the Mother Goddess. It won't have any impact."

  Jiang Qimu thought, no, she doesn't think so.

  Because she is the one who bears the name of Mother Goddess now? !

  Either she will never be found by the demon kings, and she will never be discovered as the [Mother Goddess] until she can successfully return to the real world, or... Jiang Qi looked at the alien species below, with a stern look in her eyes


  She wants to let herself grow into an existence that can bear the honorable title of "Mother Goddess".

  Jiang Qi threw a probe towards the alien species below, and found that the alien species surrounding here are generally around LV.50.

  Can this really be played?

  She looked at her LV.2, and she didn't even have a personal panel where she didn't change her job to learn skills. Then she compared it with the other species below, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

  No... wait.

  Jiang Qi's eyes fell on another panel of hers thoughtfully.
  The panel belonging to the in-game NPC [Anderina].

  Since they all belong to her panel, and since she could use Anderina's identity to issue help quests to players before, there's no reason why she can't just treat herself as an NPC to destroy these alien species?

  Thinking of the undetectable question marks in the level column on the panel, Jiang Qi felt that her heart was about to move.

  How about... give it a try?

  The switching process was very smooth, without any side-by-side obstacles. Now on Jiang Qi's personal panel, the NPC. Andrina is in the dominant position, while the player. Jiang Qi's panel is hidden behind.

  She looked at the two skills that lit up on her personal panel, both marked with the magic from Scarlet, [Blood Magic] and [Lord of Fire].

  Those alien species don't look like they have blood... Jiang Qi thought about it and chose [Lord of Fire].

  The wind in the entire sea seemed to have stopped at this moment.

  Kather is blind and cannot see what is happening around him, but in contrast, Kather is far more sensitive than ordinary people in terms of other senses.

  Because of this, Kaser could clearly sense the sudden rise in temperature around him, and there was a certain smell that he repelled flowing in the flames. It was the rich smell brought by the erupting volcano all year round on the endless mountain of ashes. The breath of sulfur.

  This undoubtedly comes from the power of [Scarlet Wail], the king of flames that only the red dragon born from the fiery magma can serve.

  If he could see it, he would find that the surface of the sea, which was originally glowing with white light like flowing mithril, was now burning with flames.
  The color of this flame is extremely strange, it is not an ordinary red color, but more inclined to be mixed with some pink tone, like the color of the morning glow just before the heavy rain.

  This strangely colored flame danced briskly on the white sea surface, interpreting a sea of ​​fire as far as the eye could see. This group of aliens didn't even have time to discover who their enemy was, they had already dissipated into nothingness in the flames.

  [Submission: Changes in the Marginal Sea. Alien species killed x15]
  [Task reward: experience value +1500]

  Jiang Qi's level jumped to LV.4 in a blink of an eye.

  Her eyes changed.

  The speed of this upgrade is comparable to taking//drugs, but such a small group of aliens can go straight up to two levels, rounding it up is simply a good thing with no cost and high returns.

  Miss Mermaid didn't lie to her, this is indeed the most suitable task.

  Jiang Qimei thought so happily, and asked Kathar: "Kather, do you know where there are gathering places of alien species?"

  Cather, who has always been responsive to her requests, didn't talk to her immediately this time.

  Jiang Qi turned her face away with some doubts, but found that Cather was watching her for a long time with an extremely silent and complicated emotion. Although those peach-blossom eyes were still empty and foggy, but for some reason, Jiang Qi still vaguely had some kind of bad premonition.

  "Kather?" She called to the other party again.

  Kather seemed to have just been awakened, and her slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

  "Anderina?" He repeated Jiang Qi's name as if he was a little uncertain.

  "Well, I'm here."

  Cather opened his mouth. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say a word in the end. He just stepped forward and hugged Jiang Qi very hard, as if he was hugging her. A dream that will disappear in the next second and leave.

  "Do you want to execute those alien species?" Cather asked in a low voice, "Leave this kind of thing to me. Why do you have to do it yourself?" Cather paused for a moment, that card has always

  been With a slightly melancholy face, Jiang Qi saw for the first time a certain kind of cold and cruel expression.

  "From today onwards, there will be no more alien species in the entire area of ​​Bubble Floating Sea." Almost

  at the moment his words fell, the sound of sea waves came from far, far away.

  The sound approached quickly, and it was actually the vast sea that set off a huge water curtain that almost reached the sky. The marginal sea, which should have been calm, became completely agitated, as if the sea monster that had been sleeping all this time opened its eyes, revealing an extremely terrifying killing intent, wanting to overthrow and destroy everything.

  All the alien races in the entire edge of the sea, no matter what they were doing before, were all agitated at this moment.

  The fringe sea where they lived, which had always contained their existence, suddenly showed terrible fangs, and turned against them in an instant. The sea water that could bring strength and comfort in the past has become enough to take away at this moment. The terrible weapon of life.

  How could this be so?
  If even the Marginal Sea no longer accepts them, where is there room for them in this world controlled by the demons and the abyss?

  "My lord..." Before being swallowed by the huge waves, an elderly alien sighed sadly and long, "Sixty thousand years have passed..." "When will the city of the sky in the past be overtaken again?

  " Above the clouds?" 

After crossing, I became the mother of all demons [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now