Not that he needs to be helped in any way. I won't be doing anything to him.

"Curiosity thing...the wrong thing, I know. A-And I'm sorry, please don't say anything...please." He begged me pathetically.

I found myself disgusted by him even feeling like he could ask that of me.

"I wasn't going to say anything before," I start, sitting back down in my seat as I saw the professor heading forward for the lesson, "but I probably will now... What's your name?"

The guy was pale in the face, almost shaking.

"I thought you knew my-."

"I didn't, so what's your name?"


"Makes it easier to list off all the people complicit. Thank you." I smile at him, watching him immediately sit down in his chair.

Avoiding to look at me as his hands shook, that evident fear seemed to spread to others. As I saw some leave the room because I know they heard us talk.

I wanted them to.

I may or may not say anything. I just...wanted to feel good about something because I've been feeling bad all day.

For too long, it's been more than just a day. I'm...suffering here.

I wasn't suffering in that prison...I didn't feel like I was because I kept that feeling away from my mind. The person that brought it up and made me realize everything was Nate. I'm happy I'm out of that prison for something I didn't do, but... I was somehow...more comfortable emotionally there than I was here.

I think.

Even when I was done for the day and I opted for online classes...I took myself to that prison one last time. Because I won't be able to visit Micah for a bit once the trial starts.

I was kind enough to make him aware of that, but of course...he made it about him from the very beginning.

"So you have my kids now, right?"

I nod at Micah, seeing him sigh in relief.

"Good. I knew you would come through, how could you not? To be real with you though, I thought - just a little bit - that you'd tell them you weren't prepared at all. That I kinda just...thrusted then upon you. Except, you and Nate found a way. You have always cared." Micah just smiles brightly, sitting back in his seat comfortably.

"It's unfortunate that I can't say the same." I say quietly, seeing Micah's smile crack. "If you cared, you would've let me know in advance. Nate is mad at me because now he has to watch not just our child, but your kids. He's blaming me for not letting you go and-."

"Well, Nate is a fuckin' ass anyway, so I'm not surprised by that one bit." Micah snorts, waving his hand off to that. "As long as I know that you are on my side, who cares what that bitch has to say."

I glare at him, seeing Micah just scoff. He knew exactly what he was doing and it showed he still didn't respect me.

"That person you just called bitch, is looking after your damn kids better than you ever did. So maybe you're the bitch. Only bitches have their brother take the blame for their crimes because they're too scared to face the consequences of their actions. If anyone is the biggest bitch up in here, it's you." I counter back quickly and with no hesitation.

Micah instantly looked pissed by that, but I didn't give a fuck. I roll my eyes at his anger because he has always...and I mean always, insulted me and yet wanted things from me.

If I am so bad and as all the shit he claimed, why the hell is he still associating with me?

"You're lucky you ain't in here with me."

"No, but I was in here for you." I remind him.

Micah looked at the clock and I could tell he didn't want to talk to me anymore. That's fine...I need to start going back home anyway.

"I'll get going," I stand up, seeing him look up at me while doing so, "I think...I won't be allowed back in here for a long time because of the trial that is about to be publicized all over. I'll probably just...see you there."


I grin, walking around the table and soon past him - until he harshly grabbed my wrist. Despite his cuffs still being around his wrist.

"Listen to don't know what the fuck you're doing right now. That trial, yeah? You're about to be seen as the-."

"Victim." I try to yank my wrist away, but he held on still.

"No, a damn rat. You know how everyone in our world sees rats-."

"I'm not apart of that world, that's your world Micah. The world I'm living in doesn' this shit. I'm being nice and taking in your kids, I wasted one too many years of my life in that prison. I'm not a rat...for telling my story and the wrongs I've been through. It makes me a victim not only to the system, but to my own brother too. You were supposed to protect me, the system was supposed to save me. Yet, you all did neither." I shove him back by his shoulder harshly as he almost falls out of the chair.

That causes him to let go of my wrist and look at me like I was crazy.

I wanted to look at him like he was crazy, he's the crazy one! Every single fucking second, I'm somehow made the bad guy and everything I do is put against me!

I'm horrible for keeping contact with Micah because he's my brother, despite the shit he's done. I'm horrible for accepting his kids in so abruptly - as if I really had much of a choice anyway. I'm horrible for leaving the prison I should've never been in. I'm horrible for not protecting my brother and leaving...when he should've been protecting me.

I can't win!

The only one I can win with is this point.

Not to take any shots at Nate's reached that point. Where I feel like with him, I can't win either.

And that

Because I know it's my fault...yet I know it's not.


all i can say is...


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- yol🥢

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