Problems have solutions but require guts

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Sayako took the remaining coffee orders and left the cafe with the illusions fading behind her.

It was a couple of minutes after the encounter when she had received a text message from Justice, requesting the girl to meet her in the backroom of the conference building.

Once inside, it didn't take long to find the room with the decades-old Hero sitting on the couch, channel surfing with her usual half-open-lid eyes. Her short dirty blonde hair tied into a bun with a few stray strands on one side.

The lounging room was small but cozy with two three-seat, chic black sofa sets and a coffee table with a black TV plastered on the wall.

Sayako close the door which alerted the Hero. "Never send me to a place like that again."

Justice eyed the girl as she waltzed in. "Low ratings were proven correct, I assume?"

"They didn't have pie," she responded, slumping on the couch.  "What sick person opens a cafe and not add pie? An outrage."

"What did you find?" Justice reaches for one of the drinks.

Sayako stretched to hand her the letter from Hawks Agency before sitting on the couch across from her.

The woman sighs as she reads it through. "He might end up using owls at this point."

"If that doesn't work, he might end up kidnapping me."


The door opened and Aizawa, Vlad, and Nedzu walked in. Murakami lit up gesturing to the remaining caffeinated beverages. "Oh good. You boys are in time for a refreshing beverage."

"Dare I ask why a student of UA is doing here?" rumbled Vlad.

Nedzu greeted her with a warm smile and greeting before sitting down next to her, but Aizawa didn't talk. He just glared at her as he took a seat. If she was a butter block, he was the knife piercing through it with one throw.

Does he know about the rescue plan?

"Uh- a group of us went to a nearby cafe and Justice wanted me here."

"Why?" asked Vlad. 

Sayako looked back at her teacher. She knew that look even when she was a Management Student.  I'm getting expelled, aren't I?

Aizawa didn't answer but his glare shifted to somewhere else with an unpleasant look.


"Don't fret about that," Murakami says, "Is it wrong to allow my great-niece to witness the greatness of All Might?"

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