Covering some Delinquents

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The city was awake in the young night. 

Blinking traffic lights. 

Vehicles roaring through the streets opposing the peaceful starry night.

Sayako stood at the gates of the Hospital that night. Unsurprisingly, the rebellious group was outside preparing to leave. What surprised her, Momo and Tenya was added to the mix.

"Saya!" called out Midoriya, "You're coming too?"

The girl shrugged as they walked to her. "I agreed with the plan to rescue Bakugo didn't I?"

Kirishima smiled at her. "You're too good!"

Sayako winked at him. "That I am." She then headed in the opposite direction, leaving the group speechless.

.   .   .   .

"Wait, Saya! That's not the right direction," Midoriya alerted her.

"Of course it is." She turned to them. "We went out to get ice cream right?" A look gave them the message.

Ida figured out what she meant. "A diversion."

Momo then expressed her concerns about the excuse but Sayako dismissed it.

"Just in case anyone notices." She waved to them before putting her phone away, "You have my luck."

Good thing they haven't left yet . I hope your hunch is right Justice.

Some hours before, Justice had requested her to go out tonight. But not for the reason she thought. She had just exited the Orthopedic Department when she received the call from Justice.


"You want me to what?"

"I want you to divert some attention away from that rebellion group of yours. I picked up some suspicious activity near the hospital. It's not from the League or Ronin so you can get involved.

I already have an illusion rule at a cafe. Go there and wait for a bit."

"An illusion rule? Are you sure?"

"My hunch is never wrong. That's why I booked you a secluded section. Sit at the seat near the wall and wait there until that person comes looking for you. Inform me when you arrive."


That cafe in question was near the building where the press conference was being held. 

A small but cozy cafe. 

For an illusion rule to work, she needed footage of the group and then sat at the designated spot to activate it.

Sayako used her phone's camera to see the illusions of the group following her to the table interacting like a normal bunch. Other than people around her, the rule had affected devices in case someone took a photo.

The only downfall, she can't see them with the naked eye.

But what she could see was the whole cafe from her seat.

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