Chapter.5|round.4|a battle between beacons of hope part 2

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Both heros stood in the arena both had a look that of not backing down by the other but Hercules was the first to speak to the man of steel.

Hercules:I'm only saying this once surrender and I'll talk to Zeus.

Superman not backing down in the slightest said to the hero of Olympus.

Superman:Hercules I know you mean well but we both know that Zeus isn't going to spear humanity and if I have to then I'll fight till I will die if it means protecting humanity.

Hercules keeping his serious look but inside he was happy this "man of steel" remained him of well him he is glad that there is another hero for humanity but he must do what he must do he then ready his club.

Hercules:then come at me!

Superman and Hercules rushed at each other Hercules swings his club and Superman used his fist both club and fist clashed and when did the force made a crater when the clash was made and send back both hero's few feet away but then Superman with his speed he sent a heavy punch to the hero of Olympus side sending the man back another few feet but then Hercules charged at the man of steel bashing his club against his opponent luckily kal put his arms up in a defense blocking the incoming attack kal then forcefully pushed back the club with force this send back Hercules but the hero of Olympus once again with more strength attack with his mace using multiple strikes while Superman was blocking.

Heimdall:amazing everyone Hercules going at his opponent with such force!

Danny:even with such force Superman still stands strong!

While Hercules was swinging his club Superman notice that the tattoos on the god's body is growing.

While Hercules was swinging his club Superman notice that the tattoos on the god's body is growing

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Superman (mind):so this is how he's going to die I just hope Danny plan works.

Superman then used his super speed and appears behind jumped onto the back of the god putting arms around the Hercules neck trying to choke him to unconscious but the gods were cheering on Hercules along with some humans so Hercules with his strength grabbed the arms of kal and slowly pry them off of him and slammed kal to the ground but then hurled kal straight into the left side of the arena wall also making a crator along with it the gods cheer for there hero but Superman wasn't done yet.

Superman(mind):yup he's not going to make this easy at all.

Superman used his ability to fly at high speed once he did he bashed himself straight into the god making the arena shake and created a smoke screen but once the smoke was cleared gods and humans see that the hero of Olympus and the man of steel hands intertwined both using there strength to try and overpower the other but during battle hold of strength they created a small crator under them, the arena shook, and the arena was cracking under them but this hold didn't last long because both Hercules and Superman used both of there heads to do a head but when both connected both stagerd back a little but then both regained there composure and then the two fighters went at other with there fist.

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