Chapter.4|round.3|tyrant of the sea vs the redeemed soul part 1

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Danny was walking to go get anakin for the next match but was stoped by but was stoped by Burnhilde and göll but göll was nervous and Burnhilde seem to be angered

Danny:what's wrong?

Burnhilde:we have problems two of them exactly.

Danny:what are they?

Göll:first it's about the third round the next god your going up against Poseidon!

Danny:hmmm I see and what of the second problem?

Burnhilde:the gods have apparently changed the rules one of them at least.

Danny:and what rule was that?

Burnhilde:humanity has to win all the rounds of ragnarok if they want to survive.

Danny:well you are in luck because I know the right person for the job!

Göll:you do!

Danny:yup let's meet up back here I need you to bring hrist here as well.

Göll:what how did you know about hrist.

Danny:king of the omniverse remember.

Göll(embarrassed):oh ya.

Danny then teleported to the room where anakin was but did stop for a second and wonder what was taking morning star so long and decided to take a glimpse through his eyes and sees that he has killed drakkon army and was now heading to his palace

Danny(mind):ya seems about right.

Danny then went in the room and sees that anakin was still meditating how ever the king got curious and decided to look through anakin's vision and sees something hart was anakin talking to the ghost of obi-wan and padmé

Anakin:I'm so sorry to you all.

Obi-wan:anakin it is all right.

Anakin then let out tears, tears that he held for so long now came out and screams out saying


But before anakin could continue Padmé and obi-wan hugged him anakin couldn't say anything nor could he stop the pained tears that he held but obi-wan then spoke when he let go of the hug

Obi-wan:anakin we have long forgive you your mind was clouded and manipulated all this time I hope you could forgive me for abandoning you.

Padmé then let go of the hug and said what she needed to say

Padmé:anakin please go, go and win I want to see you again even if I don't remember.

Anakin could only look at the face's of both his wife and master the he then stop the tears and said

Anakin:I will, I will see you all once more and fix things I promise to you both to all of you that.

Soon enough anakin open his eyes and turned his head to Danny

Anakin:you know I could sense you right?

Danny:I know and sorry for snooping around.

Anakin:(sigh) it's alright just don't do it again okay.

Danny:okay by the way before you go out to the arena there's something I need you for.

Anakin:and that is?

Danny:in this universe there's this ability that the Valkyries have called völundr.

Anakin:what are you planning here Danny?

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