I open my eyes and see that I pressed button number 2

Nothing happens
I press number 3

Number 4

Maybe number 1?

Still nothing

I am feeling very confused right now

ME: I am confused.
KATE: Well, it should be working.
ME: Well, it's not, neighbor. None of them are.
KATE: Let me try.

She tries
Nothing happens

I look at the donkeys on my left. Stupid Kate

KATE: Lina, I am a very claustrophobic person. If this is a joke of some sort, this is not funny.
ME: Well Kate, do you see me laughing right now?
KATE: No, I don't.

She pauses

KATE: So, what do we do?
ME: Easy we just...


I look at the door

There is none
Where is the freaking door???

I look at the walls

No walls
Where are the donkeys???

KATE: Where are the walls?! The ceiling, the door?!

I look at my feet, and so does Kate

ME: At least there is still a floor.
KATE: Still?! Are we going to die?
ME: Please don't ask me that, I am already very confused, remember?
KATE: Oh yes, sorry.

Yes, you should be

I try to look around, confused and scared
Both at the same time

ME: Are you scared?
KATE: Of course I am scared. Aren't you?
ME: Oh no I am scared alright. I am freaking out.

Then it happened


The elevator, no, the floor, starts falling

I grab Kate
She grabs me
We are both falling, faster and faster

I try to estimate how long we have until our ultimate death

Considering the fact that we were already at the lobby, how deep could this possibly go?
I am obviously too freaked out to estimate shit

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