Chapter 8

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The next day

Yoru's pov

I felt like someone on my top and kissing me. When I woke up, it was my lover who was kissing me rapidly. He stopped after I woke up.

"Hey what happened?"I asked. He said ,"You were not waking up so I thought you would wake up by this method."I couldn't stop smiling at his cuteness.

We both washed up and I started cooking breakfast with him helping me. We both had breakfast and it was time to go to company. Today also, he asked me to drop him a bit far from company.

After dropping him a bit far, I went to the company and to my office. My secretary told me my schedules and it turned I had meeting with Liz's father. I was not like I hated him or something. It was just that he would bring the topic about me getting married with his daughter.





Rian's pov

I went to the company and to the workplace. I started doing my work with Minnie and her friends. After sometime, Yoru ordered coffee and I went down to buy it. I bought his regular coffee and went to his office.

I knocked and after permission I went in. There was his best friend Song who was sitting and talking to Yoru while Yoru was doing work. I kept the coffee at the table and I could see the teasing eyes of Song. I hurriedly went out and to my table.

Lunch time...

I went to the restaurant downstairs and bought my lunch. Today also Yoru came down for having lunch. There was no other empty table other than the one beside me. Liz also didn't had any choice cause there were no sit. I was internally happy watching Yoru coming in my way.

He sat down and started eating lunch. He periodically was glancing at me while I was trying my best not to smile or react. I guess Minnie had some suspicion but she didn't ask anything. There was awkward silence in the table as no one dared to start any conversation.

Jack was sitting at front and he was also periodically glancing at me. I could see Yoru glaring at Jack time to time. The time went on and after lunch we all went to work.

Yoru texted me to meet at the same point where he dropped me so he can drop me off at my house. Jack asked me if I wanted to go with him but I simply rejected saying ,"I am sorry I have some work to do at a place which is near from here."

He didn't asked to further and went his way. I went to the exact point where Yoru dropped me and waited for sometime. Finally, Yoru came and I sat on the front sit. We then talked casually. "Did you see how was Jack staring at you? I don't like him and please stay away from him." Yoru said.

I honestly say that I like someone being protective or possessive about me it makes me feel like their special one. I giggled and said ,"I am avoiding him as much as I can and I can see you avoiding Liz I feel good about it. And what about your meeting with her dad?" I asked.

"The meeting was short and as usual at last he was playing a role of matchmaker for me and Liz."He said.

I felt a bit angry but it was not a big deal since it was not Yoru's fault. "Then what are we gonna do with your dad. He surely won't accept you and me. "I said.

"Don't worry about that I won't give up and will try to persuade him even if he throws me out of the house."Yoru said. We arrived at my house. I kissed him good bye and he kissed me back. I then said goodbye and went I could see him not wanting to let go of me. He drove off.

After sometime, my best friend min also came and I told him all about my relation with Yoru. He was really happy for me. He also had a girlfriend name Lorel whom he loved to bits. My sister also knew all about my relation and she also happily accepted it.

At night, I called him and we talked until midnight. He was yawning and he looked sleepy. He still managed to look so damn hot.We both gradually then gradually fell asleep.






To be continued.......







Thank you for reading and sorry for the mistakes💗🙂.

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