Thirty Eight- Saying Goodbye...

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We all run back into the changing area laughing and chatting about the show when Miss Jenn comes in. "Okay, listen up! Listen up, my Wildcats." She picks up a camera and walks towards us. "Stay in costume because mommy needs pictures of her babies."

"Okay, but Miss Darbus is in this photo. You were giving us acting beats out there, Miss Jenn." Ashlyn shouts over the noise and I smile.

"Yeah, incredible. You are the best teacher ever and you've never been on broadway." I add and she gives me a smile.

"Yet." EJ adds and I nod.

She laughs nervously then looks at us. "Just the kids. Just the kids in this picture. And..." Jet slings an arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder with a big smile. "Cheese!" The flash goes off and we relax.

"Why do I not want to take this costume off?" Ricky asks no one in particular.

Big Red steps forward and looks him up and down. "Obviously, it's a miracle to see you in a graduation cap and gown at all."

Me and kourt look at each other and I laugh then turn to Jet and hug his side. He wraps an arm around me and rubs my back as he talks to some people. I close my eyes and take in his scent and take in the atmosphere.

"Except that you never know if the next adventure will be even bigger." Miss Jenn says, catching everyone's attention. I lean my head off Jet but neither of us let go of each other.

"See? Also, yes to that." Kourt says and I laugh at her.

"But we should never take the next show for granted. The only thing you should never promise ever is forever." She says and I lean into Jet more taking in her words. "Now, let's do a silly one." She brings up the camera and I let go of Jet and sling my arms around Kourtney and pull a funny face. She puts her hands on my arms and does her own. The flash clicks and Seb runs in.

"I have an important announcement to make! My dad has known I was gay since I was two when I apparently cried after we slaughtered my favourite pig. And he's been waiting for me to come out for 14 years. " Seb rants all in one and we all cheer for him and he runs to Carlos.

"I can't believe we're actually gonna do the Houwsewives tour." Carlos shrieks and I laugh.

"You guys deserve it." Big Red says and I nod in agreement.

"Wait, where are Maddox and Gina?" Ash asks out loud and I go silent.

I look at Miss Jenn and she looks around at me. "Um, um.." She turns to Mr Mazzara and he nods. "Okay, kids, listen up." She takes her glasses off and looks at us all with a sigh. "Gina has something big she's about to tell everyone. But she didn't want to ruin our night by telling you before the show. And she's about to come in here,"

"Looking like a movie star?" I finish for her and she nods at me with a smile.

"And we should just... We should just cheer her on and support her. Okay." I look at Jet and sigh. If both of them are missing then both of them are doing the movie which means we aren't going to see her again for a while... "Any minute now, she'll be here." Miss Jenn says and faces the door.

"I guess... I'll say something? You know, just in case this is the last time we're all in the same room?" Ricky asks and looks at us all.

Miss Jenn turns around and looks at him. "Of course. Yes." They switch places with each other and we face him.

"Um... For the longest time, I thought that being happy was something that you arrived at. You know, uh... And when you got there, you were just there. You were just happy forever. But uh, I guess I'm realising that, um, happiness is something that comes and goes, you know, like people, or the weather in Utah." We all laugh at his joke and smile at him. "I just want to say, since this is the only time we'll all be in our graduation gowns together, that if I hadn't found this program or... No, if this program hadn't found me... I don't know what would've happened to me." Ricky's voice starts to break as he tears up. "I don't know where I would've ended up, you know? Because no one really believed in me. No one really accepted me and no one really saw me, before you guys. You know. This is... the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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