Twenty Nine - Rehearsals

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We all walk up to the rehearsal room and freak out. "This is so official! There's a sign on the door." Ash says pointing to is and we stand there. "What do we do? Do we knock? Do we make a grand entrance? Like, what do they do in Hollywood?" Ash questions out loud and I shrug.

"You guys, we're actually rehearsing for High School Musical 4." Gina tells us and we freak out again.

"Hollywood? More like Holly-will." Ricky jokes but we all look at him and judge him. "Sorry, guys, I'm really excited."

Kourt then sighs and we look back at the door. "My college applications are gonna love this. Kourtney Greene, scholar, philanthropist, Hollywood actress!" She squeals then laughs.

"Obviously my bone structure was built for the big screen, but is anyone concerned we have auditions for Miss Jenn in an hour?" Carlos voices out loud and I turn around to face him.

"I am so glad someone else said that. What if we can't make it or not everyone shows up or we run out of actors because we're all here?" I stress and Ash grabs my shoulder.

Ricky then leans back and points at the room. "Nope. That's when this rehearsal ends. So we'll be warmed up, ready to go and in Wildcat mode." The door then opens and someone steps out.

"Featured Background?" She asks with a smile.

"Yes!" We all squeal.

"You're late. Why didn't you knock?" She says bluntly

"Funny story.." Ash starts but gets interrupted.

"Time is money." She then walks away and the door starts to close.

I run forward and hold it open for everyone. I then run in and Ricky and Gina stay behind. We go to the stage waiting.

"So, you're excused from class this afternoon. I'm Krystal, the choreographer for the movie, I've got two hours to teach you this dance combination." She explains.

I look at Carlos worried and he looks the same. "We thought this was an hour, 'cause we need this theater. Love your name by the way." I say and Carlos nods at me.

"First rule of being an extra. No questions or talking unless it's an emergency." She looks at me and Carlos and we cover our mouths. "We shoot this in a couple of weeks. Confidentially, this is the big high school reunion song, headlined by Mo, Lucas and Corbin." She explains.

Ash then looks off to the distance and sighs. "I love how everyone keeps calling Monique 'Mo' I'm sorry, I talked." Ash then catches herself.

Ricky then puts his arm up. "Krystal, I'd like to use an emergency question. If we theoretically had an audition here for our school musical in an hour...."

"Then theoretically, the director will laugh that you think a school musical is more important then her film." Krystal explains and I look at Carlos with anxiety rushing through me.

"We're honored to be here Krystal." Gina says before Ricky can speak again.

We then all smile awkwardly at each other. "So here we go. A five, six, seven, eight." She claps her hands then starts. "Step, step, jump clap, kick, cross, again, step, step, jump, clap, kick, cross. That connects with left grapevine and a back turn and hip." She then turns after doing the dance and looks at us. "Now, I know I taught that fast..."

"And a five, six, seven, eight," Gina says then we start to do the dance.

"Step, step, jump, clap, kick, and a turn. Step, step, jump, clap, kick back connects next with left grapevine and a back turn and hip." I say each step out loud as we all do them in sync.

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