😑Beomkai- The Brother I Chose

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Kai's relationship with his mother got progressively worse. He didn't bother to bond with his stepdad. That man wasn't his dad and his dad was the best. Time with his dad also meant time in his old city. He had begged his dad to let him stay but the court didn't allow it. The second he turned 18, he planned on moving in with him.

Beomgyu went to his room and texted Soobin "he likes you. Quit being a fucking coward and ask him out."

"I can't just ask him out!"


"Because! He won't want to date his brother's friend! That's weird!"

"Get out of your head you big dumbass and ask him out! He will say yes! I'm sure!"

Soobin didn't bother to text back. Beomgyu took it as a good sign. Now he just had to wait. He checked the date on his calendar and realized his mom was picking him up tonight. It was about to be her week now. He yelled "KAI?! YOU STAYING HERE OR DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH ME TO MY MOM'S FOR THE WEEK?!"


Beomgyu thought that was odd. Kai usually chose to move with him. He started to pack his bag then dove right into his homework. His mom picked him up a few hours later.

Kai waited until his mom was asleep then took an uber to his dads. He had a bag ready to go. As far as his mom was concerned, he was with Beomgyu. He knocked on the door. "Hey dad."

"What are you doing here?"

"Staying with you this week. Please?"

"The court says you need to be with your mom kid. You know I'd let you stay in a heartbeat."

"Please dad? At least for tonight? I'll go back tomorrow if you make me!"

Mr. Huening caved in. He missed his son an equal amount. "You can sleep on the couch. Your mom thinks you're where?"

"At Beomgyu's with his mom for the week."

"And how do you plan on getting to school?"

"Uber. Or I can bike."

"I'll drive you. I'm not letting you do that for a week."

Kai hugged his father tightly. "I love you dad. Thank you."

"I love you too. I really miss you. Go wash up. I hope your homework is done."

"It is." Kai obeyed. He fell asleep after being handed a thick blanket and a pillow. His dad woke him up an hour earlier than he was used to. His new school was far from his old one.

Walking into class felt different now that he was back with his dad. He felt happier. While he was waiting for class to start, Kai continued his drawing.

Soobin nervously walked over to Kai's desk. "Hi..."

Kai looked up. Joy radiated in his eyes when he saw who it was. "Hi!"

"Sorry if this sounds weird but do you want to hang out sometime?"

"I'd love to Soobin! Why would that be weird?"

"... I thought you wouldn't want to because I'm friends with Beomgyu."

Kai sweetly ripped out his drawing of Aqua and handed it to Soobin. "I'd love to. Text me when."

Beomgyu walked into class late. He saw the drawing on Soobin's desk. It made him temporarily happy until he remembered the worried call from his dad this morning. He aggressively walked over to Kai and asked "where were you last night? My dad said you weren't home."

"Where do you think I was?"

"Your dad's house?" Beomgyu wasn't met with an answer. He knew Kai was worried about getting his dad into legal trouble. "If I tell him you were at a friend's house, will you never do this again? I'm not going to keep covering for you."

"You don't have to for much longer. I'm moving out when I'm 18."

"Why? I thought... does that mean you'll never see me again?" It took Beomgyu so long to break down Kai's walls. He didn't want to lose his little brother.

"I thought we were going to be roommates in college."

"Really? You never mentioned that before."

Kai went back to drawing in his notebook. "I figured it was a given. Do you want to?"

Beomgyu quickly hugged him then straightened his clothes out. "Yes! We're going to have the best dorm! You'll see!" Beomgyu went to his desk when class started.

Not much good came from Kai's parents getting divorced. His mom's remarriage was even harder. His entire concept of family was shattered in the span of two years. Beomgyu was proof family wasn't based off of blood. All those nights, all of those deep conversations, all of those bonding activities they did together made Kai realize he was worth keeping around. Beomgyu refused to abandon him. Kai vowed to do the same.

Short Stories- Kai ships only!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora