13. flags and texts

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Today was Jere's big day and Bojan was more than ready to calm his boyfriend. They were constantly on call and sometimes Jere's assistants were kinda annoyed.

"I so stressed... I don't know why? I do this so much times before but now I am just so stress." Jere's voice was ringing through Bojan's phone.
"This is your first time in front of such an audience. Of course you're stressed. Don't worry tho. You are so good at singing. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your boyfriend but because it's true. You'll smash the fucking stage, babe."
"Thank you. I love you jokerman." you could hear Jere's mood was getting better through the phone.
"I love you too Jere." Bojan smiled.

After they stopped the call (it was lasting for 4 hours and Jere was really needed somewhere), Bojan turned back to his room and band mates.
"I can't believe that we'll be so stressed in two days..."
"Don't worry about the future man, love in the today. Carpe diem!!" Nace gave Bojan advice.
"Carpe every diem, slide into every DM." he quietly repeated his previous quote.

"Wait guys, since we're contestants, do we get free tickets for the finals were not in?" Bojan got a great idea.
"I think so, I mean they can't say no to our beautiful faces." Kris replied.
"It wouldn't hurt to try, and maybe Kris you could get yourself a girlfriend in the crowd." Jure mocked Kris.
"Shut up."

"We need to get some flags! We'll need to cheer for some people." Jan suggested.
"Okay, who we cheering for?" Kris asked.
"Finland for sure," Nace winked at Bojan "maybe Croatia? I mean they're our neighbors. And also Serbia, cause Luke's nice."
"And Netherlands as well, for the dutchies!!" Kris laughed.
"And Norway?" Jure asked.
"Yea sure."

So they went out to get those 5 flags. Almost every shop in Liverpool was selling European flags, they were prepared for last minute fans like them. Most of the flags were 20:30 centimeters, except the Finnish one which Bojan had to buy the biggest option they had. It was the size of a beach towel.

"What? I'm supporting my boyfriend." he said when everyone was complaining about how obsessed he is.

They decided to get some lunch as well.
"Will you stop looking at your phone Bojan and socialize?" Kris was annoyed as usual.
"I'm texting Jere!" was Bojan's excuse.
Jan sighed: "Can't you two not talk for a goddamn minute?"
"I'm sorry, but no." Bojan looked up for a second.
"I'm gonna take your phone!" Jure streched his hand to Bojan.
"Nuh uh!" he moved his phone away, so that he couldn't grab it. But unfortunately he put it above his shoulder and it was in perfect reach for Kris.

"Hey!! Give it back! We're prickling like little children come on!" Bojan was angry.
Kris decided to go through Bojan and Jere's chats and Bojan couldn't do anything about it. Everytime he tried to reach for his phone, Kris raised his hands higher.

"Uu, guys check this out. Bojan texted Jere saying: 'if you get to the final, you get a surprise tonight.' They're gonna fuck..." Kris read out their texts.
"I'm a 24 year old fucking adult. I'm allowed to have sex you know. Y'all are acting like I'm some kind of child. Like you all have never done that." now in Bojan's voice wasn't a fake, joking anger but actual anger.
"I'm sorry..." he said after ranting it all out.
"I'm- We're sorry." Kris apologized and gave Bojan his phone back.
"No it's okay..."
"Come on Bojč, we shouldn't have acted like that, we were morons. You and Jere should have the peace you deserve." Jan patted Bojan's back.
"Group hug?" Jure suggested.
"Group hug..." Bojan agreed.
And so they hugged.

What should I do? ♪Bojan x Käärijä♪Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt