1. branded

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"Is there any flirting going on backstage?"

Oh how Bojan hated that question. Of course there was. Every year there was. Except this year, Bojan was involved.

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't." he copied his usual answer.

After that interview the band had some free time, so they went to relax in their hotel room. They were all sitting on a couch, just wide enough for all of them to sit a few centimeters apart, except for Jure and Jan. Those two were cuddled up together no matter the couch size.

"'Maybe there is, maybe there isn't...' I love that answer Bojči. They'll never guess it's you the one flirting." Jan mocked the brunette.
"Trying to flirt." Kris corrected the previous statement. "We can't call those failed pick up lines flirting."

"Okay, okay, come on guys. Stop acting like I'm that bad at flirting. It's just hard being focused while talking to someone so good looking and-"
"We get it! You're obsessed, but we don't need some cheesy description of your crush, thank you very much." Kris stopped Bojan before he could finish.

"Jebite se, vsi." Bojan cursed his friends but chuckled so that they would know he isn't serious.
"What did we do?" Jure protected him and Nace.
"Okay sorry. Jebita se vidva." he corrected himself and pointed to Jan and Kris.

They were quiet for a short time. Jure played with Jan's long hair, Kris was on his phone texting somebody.

"What are you doing Kris?" Nace asked, trying to start a conversation.
"I'm in a group chat with Mia and Dion. I haven't spoken, or well, written Dutch in so long, it's nice to remember it from time to time. And they're super nice."
"Is your group called dutchies and then the painted nails emoji?" Jure read Kris' phone screen.
"Yeah. Have you got a problem with it?"
Jure shook his head.
"We're just way bigger material girls than y'all and you're jealous." Kris joked.
"Mia is literally the only- You know what? I won't finish this, think what you wanna think." Jan said.

It went all quiet again. Bojan really didn't like awkward silence. It made him think about all these stuff he really didn't want to think about.

"Do you think I should confess?" he just spoke outta nowhere.
"Wha- How? How did you even think about that right now?" Jure was just confused.
"I don't even know myself. But like should I just tell Jere that I'm into him?"
"Well, if you wanna sound like a teenage girl, then yes, sure. But if you're really into him I think you should wait a bit, to see if he flirts back and all that stuff." Jan explained.
Jure whispers: "That's not how he got me tho, he just confessed, then I avoided him until I realised I loved him back and here we are." He finished by giving Jan a kiss.
Kris almost puked in the background.

"But I don't have that much time... If I don't do anything in like 2 weeks, he'll be gone and I'll be alone." Bojan complained.
"Okay, then you should just wait less time. Confess just before you're about to part ways and it'll be less awkward for both of you if he says no."
"Oh, don't even remind me that that's a possibility." Bojan rubbed his forehead with his hand.
"Well you shouldn't get your hopes up to high. I can confirm from my experience, that's not good. You can't imagine how devastated I was when Jure said no."
Jure just chuckled.

"But at least Jure said yes eventually. That's not how most stuff goes on." Bojan complained.
"Okay, Bojči don't set the bar low as well. Everything will be fine." Jan patted the youngers shoulder.

"Are we done with relationship advice? I wanna talk about lighter themes." Kris spoke.
"Sure. But don't be sad when your relationships don't work out." Jan was annoyed.
"NGVOT!" Jure whisper-screamed.
"For example." Jan said and kissed Jure's forehead.
"Ew, can you not?" Kris gagged.

"You know what? I'mma go to hang out with Jere a bit." Bojan stood up.
"Are we not enough for you?" Nice jokingly asked.
"You are, don't worry. I'm just desperate for some Jere right now." he dramatized his words.
"Take a condom with you!" Kris suggested.
"Kris. No." he replied.
"Well, if you'll need one, we have a lot here." Jan pointed to the box of branded condoms.
"I'mma leave these for you and Jure. Bye!" he said and ran out of the hotel room.

Calling Jere...

The Finn picked up soon.
"Heyy, Jokerman!"
"What you call for?"
"Are you free?"
"Yes. Where are you?"
"I just walked out of our hotel."
"Oh wow, already on way to me?"
"If your in your room than yes."
"I come down stairs, you wait. We can go some coffee?"
"Sure. I'll meet you under your hotel."
"Oki, bye."
Bojan hung up.

It took him five minutes to get to Jere's hotel and about 3 minutes for the older to get down.

"Hi!" Jere greeted the Slovene.
"Hi. It took you a bit long... Why did you need 8 minutes to get ready?" Bojan jokingly asked Jere.
"Well I need to be pretty if I go with you."
"So you got ready for me?"
"Yes, yes. For you."

While the Finn started giggling maniacly, Bojan started blushing hard. He tried to laugh it off and it kinda worked. I mean, Jere didn't notice a thing.

"So where do we go?"
"I know this cute cafe, me and the band went there a few days ago and it was great."

They walked for another 10 minutes passing some buildings they recognized from all the meetings they had in the past week. Strangely, there wasn't any fans recognizing them, the whole way.

When they arrived they found a table and sat down, both ordering the same thing, like a couple.

"You like this too?"
"Jere you ordered the most basic thing, who doesn't like it?" Bojan sighed.
"Sorry, I don't know coffee a lot."
"Okay, no, no, no. Stop apologizing, I was kidding."
"Okay." he smiled.

What should I do? ♪Bojan x Käärijä♪Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt