2. that's late

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Bojan got back at about 8 pm, 3 hours after he left.

Without even looking at him, Jan commented: "You guys must've had fun. A shame you had to use a non-branded condom."
"What?! Jan what the fuck? We didn't have sex you idiot!"
"Well, I don't know what else would've taken you 3 hours..."
"We got a coffee at that cute cafe we went to a few days ago, then we took a stroll around the park and then we went onto the big wheel. I have picture proof for all these." Bojan explained.
"Okay, sure. I believe you. I hope you had a great time." Jan finally gave in.

"If I see a news article tomorrow with the title: 'Bojan Cvjetićanin and Käärijä caught kissing in the streets of Liverpool.' I'm gonna murder you." Kris added.
"I promise you, you won't."

Bojan fell down onto his bed.

"God I'm tired." he sighed.
"Bet your ass is." Jan smirked.
"Didn't you say you believed me?"
"I do but I'm not gonna stop joking about it."

Jan was talking quietly since he didn't want to wake up the sleeping Jure in his lap. The blonde was streched over the whole couch with his head in Jan's lap and his legs over Kris'.

"Where's Nace?" Bojan asked.
"He went ona walk, he couldn't stay still." Kris answered.
"Ah yes, the usual Nace. And what were you three doing?"
"Just talking. At first Jure was talking as well but then he fell asleep and now we both can't move."
"Haha, really into that cat personality he has." Bojan laughed.
"Yep, he is our muc." Jan said.
"Your muc." Bojan corrected the black haired.
"Yeah..." he went through Jure's hair.

Those two have been dating for a year and a bit. They haven't said anything to the public, but they often do stuff that would make fans ship them.

It was brave of Jan to confess to Jure before he even knew the blonde was bi. He just didn't want to live in secret and get hurt one day without some heads-up. So he confessed and lived through the pain of those few months.

But then one day Jure came back to him, apologizing for leaving him alone in shambles and confessing that he felt the same all that time. And now they are an amazing couple.

But let's get back to the current story. The story of desperate Bojan and just as well desperate Jere. The story of both of them being idiots and not realizing they love each other.

"Im tired, but like it's 8.30 pm, and that's a bit early to go to sleep." Bojan complained.
"Just go to sleep I guess. I mean Jure here is fast-asleep." Jan said and petted Jure's back.
"Sure, but don't y'all be weird and like take pictures of me sleeping or something."
"Noo... We definitely didn't have those intentions..." Kris said and looked at Jan.
"No..." he went with the joke.

Bojan just shook his head, took his pyjamas and locked himself into the bathroom they shared. When he came out (of the bathroom, not the closet 😅) he was in pyjamas, and ready to fall asleep.

And like he said before, he was super tired so the second he covered himself with the comforter, he was asleep.

What should I do? ♪Bojan x Käärijä♪Where stories live. Discover now