6. can't navigate in hotels

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Jere 😳

Why you not here?

Uhh, wdym?

I said I meet you in my room and you are not here.

Oh, sorry...
Wait are you asking me to come over or?

Yes come to my room you know where it is.

Bojan needed an excuse to tell the boys about going out. He couldn't just say he's going to Jere's room, they'd have "umazane misli".

"Guys I'm going for a walk." he chose the simplest excuse.
"Sure, have fun." Jure was the only one to reply.

He gazed over the side table where his copy of the room keys layed beside a branded condom. He didn't even remember why he had it there. He grabbed the key and conteplaided for a bit before grabbing the condom as well. You never know what Jere could want to do.

He went out, locking the door after him. The Liverpool air was cooler than usual and it was windy. He reached Jere's hotel and looked up. If he remembered it right Jere's room was in the 5th floor. No lights were turned on in that floor though and it kinda scared Bojan. What if he remembered it wrong? Will he just knock on the door of some random person?

Ignoring his thoughts he headed inside. He struggled a bit with the door, not realizing it said pull while he was pushing. When he finally managed to open it he was met with the warmer air inside the hotel.

"Hey sorry that I'm asking this but do you know in which floor is Jere Pöyhönen?" he asked the lady at the reception desk.
"Jere?" she was confused.
"You know Käärijä, from Finland?"
"Ohhh yeah sorry. I'm keeping up with the contest but I don't know everbody's names sorry. You're Bojan right? The one who's always hanging with Käärijä?"
"Yup that's me. So in which floor is he?"
"Fifth." she replied smiling.

Yesssss!! Bojan was so happy when realized he got it right. Remembering all these little things about Jere made him so happy. It took him a few days to remember the Finn's birthday but he kept asking so that one day it would be carved into his brain.

Bojan took the lift up and when he got up here was met with what seen like infinite halways of rooms. Luckily he remembered what turns he took last time and which room was Jere's (yet somehow he couldn't remember the floor).

When he reached his room he knocked. His eyes lit up when a Finn's smiling face opened.

"Hi Bojan how are you?"
"A bit confuses as to why you'd want me to come to your room, and very happy." he replied, emphasizing the very.

If he was speaking the truth he'd say horny, in love, crazy desperate. But obviously he couldn't say all those things. He thought it would be easier to speak his feeling with the Finn, he was known for being direct, getting to the point quickly always telling the raw truth but it wasn't. Instead it was just harder. He was scared that Jere would reply in a weird way leaving him heartbroken and bruised.

"Yes, yes. I call you here because... I don't know. We have fun." Jere stuttered.
"So what are we planing to do?" Bojan asked.
"I didn't plan so I don't know but I have some glögi here and we can drink." he smiled.
"Wow really original..." Bojan was sarcastic.
"Oh so you not want glögi?"
"No, no, no, no I didn't say that." he was quick to change his ideas.

Bojan was quick to be drunk. Jere took a bit longer but after some time they were both laughing and joking.

"Minä rakastan sinua, Bojan." Jere said.

What should I do? ♪Bojan x Käärijä♪Where stories live. Discover now