Upon speaking with Anna, the housemaids got my dinner and bath ready. I had breakfast with my folks, and we had a great conversation on many topics. I would make up for all of the missing words, smiles, and laughter from the past.

My parents exchanged a look and then turned to face me when I explained that the emperor had given me a letter.

"Then, I guess, the emperor became fond of our little daughter, right?" I noticed that even when the emperor gave me the letter, they would still say things like that.

"Would father accompany me as well? I am aware that my mother and her close friends gathered together," I asked, flashing them my prettiest smile.

My thoughts eventually became those of an adult, but my voice and words belonged to a six-year-old girl.

"Of course, based on what our precious daughter asked, we would do that, right?" I heard the pleasant smile of my mother and the soft voice of my father. They were the kind of comfort I would always look for when I got lost; they were the parents I would never desert.

Even though I would never want the past to happen again, I couldn't keep my mouth shut right now. As I prepared my words to say, I shuddered.

But no matter what I tried, I could not get the words out of my mouth.

When the time comes, will it be okay for me to declare that I do not wish to be engaged to the crown prince? However, I am aware that a young woman like me shouldn't ever understand what an engagement means—especially because I haven't yet been informed of it.

My father boarded the carriage a short while later, and I went with him. When the carriage pulled away, my mother gave us a wave in return and started crying.

I smiled and waved back, and Father followed suit. Even though the ride to the imperial palace was lengthy, I liked the serene sound of the horses galloping.

Every time I entered the palace, Father would advise me on what to do and what not to do. It made me think about Sir Feldin, but that day I made him study the oath taken by our family rather than continuing to learn more about the imperial household.

The best response I could muster was a smile and a giggle at my father's comments because I already knew what to do. The lengthy, serene surroundings stopped when I heard the carriage land.

My father used to have a nice voice, but it had faded and was now just a drum beating in my chest. Every time he got out of the carriage first, he would lead me down.

I let out a sigh, closed my eyes, and at last took hold of the soft hand.

I touch the bunny my mother gave me as a gift and hold my father's hands after setting foot on the ground. The servants around me bowed as I turned to gaze around.

Before us, an elderly butler approached my father and discussed the meeting. As soon as I fixed my gaze on the elderly guy, I realized that he was Sebastian—the butler Caliere would always rely on and who would never leave his side.

I took a deep breath and held firmly to my father's hand. But I was unable to focus on the front because, before my eyesight became hazy, I had seen a silhouette hiding in the little spaces along the hallway we were walking in.

It was just a tiny outline, and I could see how it faded away, but not before my lips and eyes grew wider.

I saw that familiar crimson hair, the color that used to make my pulse race uncontrollably and still made me feel both familiar and yearning. I gave a firm headshake and embraced my rabbit even more.

I wouldn't go to such lengths to be blinded again, even if my heart wouldn't stop racing for him. I locked a door in my own Pandora's heart the instant I saw his crimsonness fade.

"So long, my prince," I said in a quiet voice that echoed the wind blowing through the tree leaves and the final goodbye I will ever give this unrequited, one-sided love.

"We're here, my lord," the elderly butler bowed. He led in front of a massive white door that had intricate designs weaved throughout.

It was the first time I had ever seen my father seem so serious before he blinked them away and grinned at me.

"Are you ready, my precious?" I grinned as he spoke. Though the old butler could only sigh in private, his eyes were always fixed on me like Anna's mirror.

I clutched the two things I was holding at the time, not really thinking about it. The old butler opened the door, and I swallowed.

The wind brushed my hair like a hurricane and this familiar aroma filled my nose. The letter I received from the emperor included the same thing, but this time it was potent enough to freeze my tiny frame.

The scene reminds us of this empty, familiar-looking room with the emperor seated in the center and staring at us. His right hand is beneath his chin, and his legs are crossed.

That expression, which I recognized so well, was sufficient to indicate that he was thinking deeply.

My father said, "Greetings, Your Majesty," and I followed suit as we bowed. The emperor's grave look shifted, suggesting that he still likes small children.

The old butler shut the door behind him, and soft laughter rang out within. My father started the talk, and then the emperor joined him. I didn't realize until I blinked that I was sitting on the emperor's lap, receiving a pat on the head.

"She's a pleasant young lady. Will you not give her and my son another chance now that we have an agreement?" My eyes got bigger. Although I couldn't move, the ruler talked freely about that subject.

My father appeared to be glaring at the emperor, which scared me, but before I could blink once more, his countenance changed.

"I'm afraid they're still young children, your majesty."

The Emperor said, "Well, it couldn't be helped, but remember this, Elfein; when she would be eleven years old, I would have that answer ready by then," without seeming menacing, more like he was merely expressing the facts.

With a nod from my father, the emperor went back to playing with me. He had the same scent, and I was always drawn to the way he ruled, so I was saddened when he believed that I would betray his priceless blood.

I could breathe again after a short time had passed. Suffocating, I urged Father to let me go outside, but he hesitated until the emperor allowed it.

I understood the emperor's goodwill, but I also understood its limitations.

I could see the garden, where I used to constantly stay, while I strolled about and saw the imperial knights training from the opposite quarter.

It took me only a few seconds to start admiring the enormous tree and the way the wind had carried some of its leaves to the ground. For that moment, my eyes glowed, and then they shuddered. The sound of that well-known voice made my entire body freeze.

I felt love and hunger when I heard that voice, even though it was harsh. But right now, something in my chest wants to come out for a different reason than before.

"Who are you to come to meddle in this garden and to look at the Ivy?"


Author-nim note: edited ^-^ Please forgive my grammar, as English is not my first language. ^-^

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