13 | Thomas

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"Wake up, you need to eat." Gunnar says, shaking me gently awake.

I blink my eyes open slowly and roll over onto my stomach. "Go away." I groan. My whole body aches and feels groggy.

"Its almost three in the afternoon, Serena."

I huff before turning over to my side to face Gunnar. "If I eat will you leave me alone?"

He nods in response.

"Fine." I mutter. I sit up and dramatically throw my legs over the side of the bed. I walk over to the little table in the corner of the room. I sit down and look at the food laid out in front of me. It's a pasta dish. My favorite!

I pick up the fork and start eating. Gunnar pulls out the seat across from me and sits down uncomfortably. His athletic build is a bit too big for the small chair.

"I think you'd be more comfy if you sat on the ground." I giggled.

He smiled slightly before speaking in a more serious manner. "What did you mean this morning, when you said he wants to hurt you for his own pleasure?" He asks me.

A shiver shoots up my spine. I look down, moving my food around the plate. I try to think of something to say to evade the question.

"I- I don't want to talk about it.." I say quietly.

"I need to know." He grunts irritably.

"I don't want to think about it!" I snap, looking up at him with tears forming in my eyes. He looks me deep in the eyes, with a disappointed almost angered look. "S-sorry." I say quietly looking down.

"He raped you didn't he." He blurts out in an angry tone, watching my body shift uncomfortably at the words he spoke.

"Please don't make me talk about it." I say, tears beg to roll down my cheeks. I've suddenly lost the rest of my appetite.

He stares past me seeming deep in thought. A moment of silence went by before he spoke again.

"My emotions weren't directed towards you. I'm furious at Thomas for putting his hands on you. You're hardly even a women yet." He sighs.

"Oh.. Okay." I say quietly.

He pushes my chin up to look at him. "It's not your fault Serena, you did nothing wrong. You know that, right?" He assures me.

I nod in reply, wiping my tears away.

I stand up and walk into the bathroom to wash my hands. When I come back out Gunnar is gone. I let out a sigh and sit down on the bed. I look around for something that could entertain me. I notice a bunch of books along the bookshelf across the room. I walk over to it and take a book. I lay down on the bed and begin reading it.


I've read for a few hours, the night is young but I have started to get tired. I hear footsteps coming towards my room, then muffled talking on the other side off the door. The two male voices go quiet and the bedroom door creaks open. I sit up, turning my body towards the door. I see Thomas standing in the doorway.

"Hello Serena." He says with a wide grin.

I look back towards my book, choosing to ignore him. I flip the next page and begin reading.

"We're not speaking now, are we?" He chuckles, looking back at Gunnar. He signals for him to close the door.

I look at Gunnar with a subtle worried look before he closes the door behind Thomas. He walks up to me and closes my book.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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