Smile on a Cloudy Day

Start from the beginning

Our usual dates were an all day thing. Starting with a long walk, until we basically got lost. Then a picnic in the park. Then eventually we'd find ourselves on the roof of Patterson's Pedals and then back at the apartment.

The picnics were always our favorite. And every time I think of them, I think of July. Of how perfect everything was when we considered it the start of Summer. How much time there still was. And mostly, the weather. There was never a thought in our minds that had to do with autumn. That thought was so far out of reach.

So I hoped that, maybe if we had another one of those picnics. Just maybe, we could pretend that it wasn't almost September. That the leaves weren't going to start changing in only a few short weeks. That Lilly's timestamp wasn't almost up. Maybe that could all be forgettable with a few sandwiches a good amount of junk food.

I'm a dreamer.

Before I left for my errands, I ran the idea past the nurse secretary, Barbara, the one who loved me so much. And persuaded her to allow me to bring a few snacks in the hospital room. She gave me a few restrictions. No alcohol. No peanuts or anything that could cause people to have allergies. And nothing illegal. Which was all common sense. I thanked her a billion. Because, just like Jen, she was always pulling strings for Lilly and I.

I got to the apartment and inside the Lobby. I hadn't been there in a while. Six days. Almost a week. I didn't really need to go back to the apartment much. Everything I needed was back at the hospital. I even showered there, in Lilly's hospital room shower. Which i'm pretty sure was against the rules, but I did it anyways. Because I hated leaving the hospital. I had packed a few outfits and toiletries as well. Long story short, I basically lived at the hospital.

So I wasn't really shocked when I saw that my mailbox was overflowing. Mostly bills that I was temporarily neglecting. That I swore I would pay as soon as I could. But one fairly large envelope caught my eye. I ripped it open right there in the lobby.

It was my script for the movie. The whole script, not just a section. I ran my thumb down the corner of the pages and scanned through. I didn't know whether to be overly joyed or despaired. I guess it was sort of a mix. I was happy for the movie. It was going to be my big break. The one that will get me on the radar. I'll have fans, and popularity, and a serious career. Oh yeah- and i'll be able to pay bills on time.

But on the other hand, I know that when I'll be acting this out on set, or when the time comes and the movie is finished, and people are seeing it in theatres. When I become this big star, Lilly won't be here. She won't be next to me. She'll be much further than by my side. I felt as if it was dumb of me to be happy for a thing like that.

I tucked the script back in the envelope and made my way up stairs. Today I was 'a smile on a cloudy day'. Not a 'frown at a 300 page script'.



I gathered what I could. Which consisted of some plastic cups. Enough for the two of us. Food on the other hand, I had to actually shop for at the grocery store down the street for. Because my kitchen was empty. I got juice that came conveniently in pouches. Stuff for sandwiches, grapes, apples, and two bags of chips. I didn't know why I got so much, with Lilly being sick, I knew she wouldn't have much of an appetite. Maybe it was because I was hungry at the time.

I grabbed the picnic blanket I had to top off the list of items. And before I ran out the door, I packed Lilly's music player. And a few CDs.

I juggled the bags in my hand as I shut and locked my apartment door. I mentally laughed at the fact that I was locking it, for no reason. Everything I cared about was back at the hospital. Lilly included.

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