Vol 3 - Extra side story 2. My partner

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"Is this your penthouse? Look out the window, wow... ."

"Min Soo, Kim Min Soo. Don't overdo it, please."

"Shall I go in on my knees? Can I dare to put my feet on the floor?"

"no. If it doesn't work, levitate and come."

The house has become cluttered for a long time. Jeong Yoon dragged the fussing Min Soo into the house. Other friends were also following in line.

Housewarming today. It was the day to introduce the new home of the two to their friends. Of course, it wasn't a strange reason like 'I invite you to a newlyweds house full of love'. Anyway, since I moved, it was the pretext of showing it.

After graduating from university, Jeong Yoon and Chae Heon moved here. As Chae Heon insisted, we couldn't be together right after graduation, and there was a certain amount of delay. But in conclusion, according to Chae Heon's expression, the two are newlyweds. According to Jeong Yoon's expression, they have a loving home-sharing relationship.

"The windows are huge. It will be nice when it rains."

Min Soo, with his hands behind his back, walked around in front of the glass window.

Long buildings flooded with sunlight over the slow-flowing river. And the blue sky above it spread out like a panorama. It was a sight that breathed refreshing energy into a tired body just by looking at it.

"hey. Can I touch the window?"

"You can lick it with your tongue."

Min Soo put his hand on the glass window and looked down. The river was flowing leisurely through the city center.

Jeong Yoon remembered the time when she visited Kim Min Soo's house one day. I definitely remember that the night view of Seoul I saw at Min Soo's house was incredibly cool, but I was just curious that Min Soo, who is also a gold spoon, made a fuss like that.

"hey. By the way, how much is this house?"

"So how much is your house?"

"I don't know, man. I am at my father's house."

"I don't know either. Chae Heon is home."

"Didn't you see your xver real estate?"

"Why are you looking at that? I feel deprived."

In an instant, a feeling of kinship flashed in Min Soo and Jeong Yoon's eyes. It's the same whether you live with your parents or with your lover. what's wrong That's what living is like.

Jeong Yoon glanced back at him. Under the sunny window, Chae Heon was introducing something to his friends. Seeing that he is handing the remote control to Mi Hee, he must be showing the blinds.

Mi Hee said that she would be independent, and showed a terrifying interest in the interior these days, but it seems that the blinds were plugged in here. Hey, that's a bit comfortable. If you get sleepy while reading a book, press the remote control and lie down right away.

They clicked the button on the remote control to lower and raise the blinds, and after a long chatter, they sat down on the sofa and started chatting while drinking beer.

Instead of intervening in the gap, Min Soo dragged Jeong Yoon around. Still, the name is a house, but it seemed like an intention to explore every nook and cranny of the house.

"This is a kitchen, but it looks like this."

Jeong Yoon quickly pointed all over the kitchen. this is the sink. this is a cupboard. this is the oven.

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