"Do you sense the danger? Do you sense the harm I'm about to cause you?" This was not the girl that I grew up with. Something had twisted her, corrupted her. Something had made her this way. But what?

"Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it!" I pleaded, my voice wavering as I tried to manage both my fear and worry at the same time.

"As if there is any time left for you to fix things. We all know the end is coming. Dion and his gang of savages? They will be here within days. Do you suppose they will be disappointed that they have one less pup to kill? It doesn't matter. You're still going to die today." She stepped forward and reached behind a tree, grabbing an object that I hadn't seen before. One that could quite easily be the death of me. A sword.

"Now Hayleigh, think about what you are doing...,"

"I'm doing nothing wrong. I'm ridding the world of another piece of vermin that doesn't deserve to exist. You. You are not loyal. You trade ships the second someone more desirable comes along for you to hang out with. What was I, just someone to pass the time with? Was I really even your friend? Or was that just a lie too?"

"You need to calm down Hayleigh,"

"I agree," Casey stepped forward, his body alight with anger that he undoubtedly felt. One of his pack was turning against one of its own. It was a criminal act. One that could be punishable by banishment... or death.

"Alpha, don't you see what she's done? She's ditched everything to get close to your mate. She's left everyone behind! Don't you find that the least bit suspicious?"

"The only thing I see is someone trying to attack a member of the alpha's inner-circle. Say, Alayah, do you see anything other than that?"

"No sir," I said, my voice incredibly weak as I thought of all the punishments that he could possibly give my old friend.

"What punishment do you recommend, Shaw?"

"Two weeks in confinement in the prison with her therapy continued during that time and for a year afterwards."

"Are you sure that's wise? Her therapy hasn't been working."

"You knew about the therapy?" My voice was sharp and cold. Why hadn't he come to me about this? Did he not think I deserved to know?

"You were helping my mate through a difficult time. You did not need other stresses taking you away from that."

"You're sick, you know that? Only thinking about yourself and your mate. You are the Alpha of this pack and you need to start acting like it! This is not acceptable!" Anger coursed through me, making my whole body come alive with emotion. I felt the need to shift, the desire pulsing through me with every breath that I took.

"You are never to speak to your Alpha that way," he said, the corners of his lips turning up in an almost snarl. This was the Alpha I knew before Lucie had come to our pack. I hated him. Instead of facing the Alpha and dealing with Hayleigh, I turned away and shifted. I ran to the one person who might have a chance of fixing our Alpha. Our Luna. Lucie.

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