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As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Tok Mail and Nizar set out on a quest to uncover the origins of the malevolent spirit that now haunted Nizar's home. The village of Kampung Penaga Putar began to stir, its inhabitants unaware of the ancient forces that were about to be awakened.

Guided by the cryptic clues in the journal, Tok Mail and Nizar ventured deep into the heart of the village, where history lingered like whispers among the old trees. Their destination was a secluded spot near the sacred grove, an area steeped in tradition and reverence.

Nizar's pulse quickened as they arrived at the designated location. The air felt charged with anticipation, as if the very land held its breath, awaiting the revelations that were about to unfold. Tok Mail knelt by the earth, his fingers tracing the hidden symbols etched into the ground – symbols that held the key to unlocking the spirit's past.

"These symbols are imbued with the stories of our ancestors," Tok Mail explained, his voice carrying a weight of reverence. "They are our connection to the past, a link to the events that shaped our village."

With practiced precision, Tok Mail arranged offerings of incense, fruits, and flowers, creating a sacred space that bridged the gap between the living and the departed. Nizar watched in awe as the bomoh's actions seemed to invoke a connection to a world beyond their own.

"Prepare yourself, Nizar," Tok Mail instructed softly. "We are about to peer into the past, to witness the events that birthed this malevolent spirit."

Together, they recited ancient incantations passed down through generations, their words weaving a tapestry that transcended time. The air around them grew still, as if the very atmosphere held its breath. Shadows seemed to dance along the edges of their vision, and Nizar felt a shiver run down his spine.

Suddenly, the air around them shimmered, and the grove transformed. The vibrant colours of the village faded, replaced by scenes of a distant past. Nizar's heart pounded as he witnessed the events that unfolded before them like spectral apparitions.

In the flickering images, they saw Siti – a woman with laughter in her eyes and dreams that extended beyond the boundaries of the village. She was a daughter, a sister, and a beloved member of the community. But the vision shifted, revealing a darker side of the story – the jealousy that had festered in the heart of another, leading to a tragic betrayal.

Tok Mail and Nizar watched, their hearts heavy with sorrow, as the events of that fateful night unravelled before them. Siti's life was snuffed out in an act of violence, her blood spilled on the earth. The echoes of her anguish seemed to resonate through time, creating ripples that had endured for generations.

As the visions faded, Nizar was left grappling with a mixture of emotions – empathy for the spirit that had become Hantu Polong and a burning desire to bring justice to a past that had been shrouded in darkness.

"We have seen the roots of its pain," Tok Mail said, his voice a soft murmur that held a well of understanding. "To mend the present, we must seek forgiveness for the past."

Nizar nodded; his determination steeled by the weight of the revelations. Together, they rose from the sacred grove, their minds set on a mission that transcended time and space. The journey was far from over; in fact, it had only just begun.

As they left the grove behind, the village began to stir once more. The sun had fully risen, casting a warm light that embraced the landscape. The village, unaware of the events that had transpired, continued its daily rhythm, its inhabitants moving about their tasks with a sense of purpose.

Tok Mail and Nizar had unveiled the past, and now it was their duty to seek resolution for the tormented spirit that lingered between realms. As the day unfolded, their determination burned brighter, a beacon of hope that cut through the shadows of the past.

HANTU POLONG - The Haunting of Kampung Penaga Putar by Dr Elmi Zulkarnain OsmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora