"Mum!" Declan complains.

"It is what it is" she shrugs.

"I'll come back, don't worry" I smile.

"But hey" one of Declan's brothers says. "You are going to take a nap, nothing else. Remember that this house has thin walls."

"Idiot" Declan mutters while rolling his eyes.

"I've warned you!" we hear him say as we leave.

"I hope that what my brother said didn't bother you."

"Nah, don't worry" I say, walking into Declan's room. "I haven't forgotten how much he liked teasing us with that."

"Yeah" he chuckles. "But before you take that nap, I have another present for you."

"You do?"

"Yep" he says, slowly moving towards me. "It isn't anything new or groundbreaking, but it will be very special."


"Are you ready?"

"I guess I am, yes."

"Merry Christmas, Eleanor" Declan says, closing the space between us and kissing me.


"What is that noise?" Declan murmurs against my neck.

"Sounds like a phone."

"My phone doesn't sound like that."

"Oh, it's mine!" I say, quickly opening my eyes. After Declan's kiss and the best make out session ever, we ended up falling asleep on his bed. Looks like both of us needed that nap.

"Since when do you have such a horrible ringtone?"

"It is the phone David gave me. Hello?" I say when I pick up.

"Eleanor, finally. Where were you?"

"Taking a nap."

"Then you haven't been online in a while."

"I haven't been online since yesterday before the party. What happened?"

"They know."


"The press. They know about the proposal, you saying no and then running away."

"What?" I say as I sit up, everything around me starting to move, flashbacks from that day coming back. "How? Who told them?"

"What happened?" Declan whispers.

"We are looking into it. But The Sun got the exclusive and everyone is sharing the story."

"Bloody bastards" I swear, trying to focus on my breathing and on not freaking out too much.

"Eleanor, this isn't good. I'm on my way to pick you up and take you somewhere safe. Both of you."

"How do you..."

"The phone has a tracker just in case."

"Oh, ok" I say. "But where will we go?"

"Somewhere where paparazzis won't find you, somewhere where they won't think you could go. You need to find a place like that, and do it fast. I fear they may already be on their way to Declan's house and his parents'."

"Can't you do anything about that? They don't deserve to be harassed."

"I'm sending some of my men to keep an eye on them, don't worry. If things get out of hand, they'll intervine."

"Good. I don't want them to scare the kids."

"We'll take care of it. Now go pack some things and think where you are going. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"What happened?" Declan asks again when I hang up.

"The press" I sigh. "They know about what happened at the party, we must leave."

"And go where?"

"Somewhere safe. Somewhere where they won't be looking for us."

"Mason's? He and Roberta are in Portsmouth, he won't mind" he suggests.

"He is your best friend, and happens to be dating mine. They will definitely go there."

"My brothers'?"

"No one family related, I don't want them harassing them. Especially the kids. It must be somewhere private, somewhere where they can't have access that easily."

"I think... I think I have an idea."


"Yeah. Let me make some phone calls first."

"David will be here in fifteen minutes, and we need to pack some stuff and tell your family."

"I'll be quick, don't worry" he says, giving me a quick peck before picking up his phone.

The Princess & the Football PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now